%sql select buildingID, (targettemp - actualtemp) as temp_diff, date from hvac where date = "6/1/13" The %sql statement at the beginning tells the notebook to use the Livy Scala interpreter. Select the Bar Chart icon to change the display. settings appear after you have selected Bar...
In the VISUALIZATIONS pane, select Area Chart. Drag the BuildingID field to Axis, and drag the ActualTemp and TargetTemp fields to Value. The diagram looks like: By default the visualization shows the sum for ActualTemp and TargetTemp. Select the down arrow next to ActualTemp and TargetTemp...
Part of this journey led me to developing thislow-cost photogate timer project. I had conceived this idea before starting here at SparkFun, and, once here, I was able to start this project to develop anArduino shieldthat would allow us to quickly connect any Vernier probe to an Arduino. ...
--导出csv文件到temp目录 set @s='bcp "exec 数据库名..queryUserAnsawer '+cast(@id as varchar(50))+'" queryout "'+'"%temp%\temp.csv"'+'" /c /t, /U"登录名" -P"密码" /S 服务器名' exec master..xp_cmdshell @s ,no_output --将temp目录下的csv文件与之前的csv文件的表头合并 se...
In the VISUALIZATIONS pane, select Area Chart. Drag the BuildingID field to Axis, and drag the ActualTemp and TargetTemp fields to Value. The diagram looks like: By default the visualization shows the sum for ActualTemp and TargetTemp. Select the down arrow next to ActualTemp and TragetTemp...
In the VISUALIZATIONS pane, select Area Chart. Drag the BuildingID field to Axis, and drag the ActualTemp and TargetTemp fields to Value. The diagram looks like: By default the visualization shows the sum for ActualTemp and TargetTemp. Select the down arrow next to ActualTemp and TragetTemp...
Copy CodeNote that the connector is slightly different compared to the analog sensors.Thisis called a left-handed British Telecom connectorandhas the tab on the opposite side. The BTAandBTD connectors will not plug into the same socket.