This is where the spark fires on your spark plug. You may also want to have on hand a pair of boot pliers, a length of rubber tube, a clean rag, some rubbing alcohol, a tube of anti-seize and compressed air or a wet/dry vacuum on hand. These items aren't critical for a basic...
Spark plug getting stuck. Again pull the rubber insert out of the socket or use a regular 5/8 deep socket to install the plug. A small dab of grease on the hex of the plug may help keep the plug on the normal deep socket while moving around. Gears is a old tri...
Finally, play close attention to the condition of the spark plug cables and boots when changing the plugs. Loose fitting boots or damaged cables can cause ignition misfire. If your engine has a coil-on-plug ignition system, replacing the rubber boot that fits between the coil and spark plug ...
or a good electrical connection between a coil that sits atop a spark plug and the plug itself. Grease, dirt or moisture on the spark plug, plug boot or coil boot can short circuit the spark and prevent the spark plug from firing. ...
blinking*%$ plug wire boot was WAY stuck and because of the dipstick, I could only use a thumb and two fingers on it. I just couldn’t get enough grip on it. I tried every two-fingered grip I could think of, both right and left handed but it wouldn’t budge! AAUURRGGHH!!!
Gently grasp a spark plug wire by the boot (the place where it connects to the spark plug), twist it, and pull it straight out. Never yank on the wire itself (you can damage the wiring). The shiny thing sticking out of the engine block after you remove the wire from the spark plug...
Introduction The latest iteration of the SparkFun Serial Basic Breakout takes advantage of USB-C and is an easy-to-use USB-to-Serial adapter based on the CH340C IC from WCH. With USB-C you can get up to three times the power delivery over the previous USB generation and has the conv...
set- This command opens a system menu to select the boot up mode. These settings will occur at the next power-on and are stored in non-volatile EEPROM. New File Logging- This mode creates a new file each time OpenLog powers up. OpenLog will transmit1(UART is alive),2(SD card is ...
Phew! Everything should be set up now. All there is left to do is to return to the Raspberry Pi Configuration window and select "boot to CLI": NOWyou can reboot your Pi. This is also a good time to disconnect the HDMI display as we will be using the Top pHAT display from here on...
Some sickos just grab the boot of a plug and touch the engine block to see if they get a 20,000 Volt jolt, but that's no longer my idea of fun. I usually pull a spark plug wire, stick a screwdriver into the metal clip that would actually sit on the spark plug when the wire ...