importorg.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession,DataFrame}importorg.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType// 步骤1:创建SparkSessionvalspark=SparkSession.builder().appName("Read JSON with Schema").getOrCreate()// 步骤2:读取JSON文件"path/to/json/file.json")// 步骤3:获取Schemavalsch...
schema_json=df.schema.json()# 或者这样,第二种写法# schema_json = 打印schema的JSON print(schema_json) # 停止SparkSession spark.stop() 这段代码会打印出Parquet文件的schema的JSON表示。你需要替换parquet_file_path变量的值为你的Parquet文件的实际...
SchemaOfJson(Column) 剖析JSON 字串,並以 DDL 格式推斷其架構。 C# 複製 [Microsoft.Spark.Since("2.4.0")] public static Microsoft.Spark.Sql.Column SchemaOfJson (Microsoft.Spark.Sql.Column json); 參數 json Column 包含JSON 字串的字串常值。 傳回 Column Column 物件 屬性 SinceAttribute ...
对于新的工作负荷,请使用 schema 和table。 否(如果指定了活动源中的“query”) 示例 JSON 复制 { "name": "SparkDataset", "properties": { "type": "SparkObject", "typeProperties": {}, "schema": [], "linkedServiceName": { "referenceName": "<Spark linked service name>", "type": "...
Spark能够自动推断出Json数据集的“数据模式”(Schema),并将它加载为一个SchemaRDD实例。这种“自动”的行为是通过下述两种方法实现的: jsonFile:从一个文件目录中加载数据,这个目录中的文件的每一行均为一个JSON字符串(如果JSON字符串“跨行”,则可能导致解析错误); ...
* `samplingRatio` (default is 1.0): defines fraction of input JSON objects used * for schema inferring. * `dropFieldIfAllNull` (default `false`): whether to ignore column of all null values or * empty array/struct during schema inference. * `locale` (default is `en-US`): sets a...
An object-oriented JSON Schema implementation for Python. Note from the author: Hi! I'm Mark, and this is my personal Python-powered project. Work on jschon is currently on hold due to other commitments. Development will resume as and when time allows. Features JSON Schema validator implement...