Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, String, Binary, Boolean Using index in a query is transparent. When SQL queries have filter conditions on the column(s) which can take advantage of the index to filter the data scan, the index will automatically be applied to the execution o...
StructType(schema.filterNot( == parsedOptions.columnNameOfCorruptRecord)) val createParser = CreateJacksonParser.string _ val parsed = jsonDataset.rdd.mapPartitions { iter => val rawParser = new JacksonParser(actualSchema, parsedOptions, allowArrayAsStructs = true) val parser = new Failure...
Based on here is solution for struct and array fields with multilevel nesting from pyspark.sql.functions import col, explode def type_cols(df_dtypes, filter_type): cols = [] for col_name, col_type in df_dtypes: if col_type.startswith(f...
数据库优化: 1.可以在单个SQL语句,整个应用程序,单个数据库服务器或多个联网数据库服务器的级别进行优...
DStream与RDD类似,允许将输入的DStream进行修改转换,常用的算子包括map(func), flatMap(func), filter(func), repartition(numPartitions), union(otherStream), count(), reduce(func), countByValue(), reduceByKey(func, [numTasks]), join(otherStream, [numTasks]), cogroup(otherStream, [numTasks])...
val joinPlan = Join(NoStatsUnaryNode(targetTableProj), sourceTableProj, joinType, Some(cond), joinHint) val deleteRowValues = buildDeltaDeleteRowValues(rowAttrs, rowIdAttrs) val metadataReadAttrs = readAttrs.filterNot(relation.outputSet.contains) val matchedConditions =
ServiceLoader.load(classOf[ExternalClusterManager], loader).asScala.filter(_.canCreate(url)) if (serviceLoaders.size > 1) { throw new SparkException( s"Multiple external cluster managers registered for the url $url: $serviceLoaders") }
TriggerFilterParameters TriggerListResponse TriggerPipelineReference TriggerQueryResponse TriggerReference TriggerReferenceType TriggerResource TriggerResource.Definition TriggerResource.DefinitionStages TriggerResource.DefinitionStages.Blank TriggerResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate TriggerResource.DefinitionStages.WithIfMatch...
In case of multiple definitions of property the first occurrence wins, butspline.lineageDispatcherandspline.postProcessingFilterproperties are composed instead. E.g. if aLineageDispatcheris set to beKafkain one config source and 'Http' in another, they would be implicitly wrapped by a composite dis...
.load(classOf[ExternalClusterManager], loader).asScala.filter(_.canCreate(url)) if (serviceLoaders.size>1) { throw new SparkException( s"Multiple external cluster managers registered for the url $url: $serviceLoaders") } serviceLoaders.headOption}...