1. 条件判断 if(条件判断,true,false) case when 条件1 then 值 when 条件2 then 值 else 默认值 end 字段名称 2. parse_url 解析url字符串 parse_url(url, url部分,具体字段) url部分:HOST,QUERY 3. map 格式解析,列名[字段] [uid -> 119024341,currPage -> indexpage,bannerType -> yueke,timest...
Spark官方UDF使用文档:Spark SQL, Built-in Functions 11.空值 表A需要筛选出a中不等于aaa的数据(a字段有空值) 错误:select * from A where a != 'aaa'(空值数据也被过滤了) 正确:select * from A where (a != 'aaa' or a is null) 12.ARRAY的相关操作 生成:collect_set(struct(a.lesson_id,b....
//replace space in the column namesvalnew_columns = originalDf.schema.fields.map(value => value.copy(name = value.name.replaceAll("\\s+","_"))) valnewSchema = StructType(new_columns)valnewNameDf = sparkSession.createDataFrame(originalDf.rdd, newSchema) importorg.apache.spark.sql.function...
Spark SQL, built-in functions Next steps Learn how you can use Apache Spark in your .NET application. With .NET for Apache Spark, developers with .NET experience and business logic can write big data queries in C# and F#. What is .NET for Apache Spark...
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, functions} object SparkUdfInFunctionBasicUsageStudy { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local[*]").appName("SparkUdfStudy").getOrCreate()
Spark SQL, built-in functions Next steps Learn how you can use Apache Spark in your .NET application. With .NET for Apache Spark, developers with .NET experience and business logic can write big data queries in C# and F#. What is .NET for Apache Spark...
[SPARK-50582][SQL][PYTHON] Add quote builtin function #49191openedDec 15, 2024 [SPARK-50584][SS] Modify state eviction metrics in TransformWithState to represent physical deletions #49194openedDec 16, 2024 [WIP][SPARK-50585][PYTHON] Visualize doctest examples for PySpark plotting ...
* http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-ref-functions-builtin.html * * * 也可以自定义 * UDF: 按照Spark的规范定义! 一进一出 * UDAF: 按照Spark的规范定义! 多进一出 * UDTF: 按照Hive的规范定义! 一进多出 * */ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ...
lit()是spark自带的函数,需要import org.apache.spark.sql.functions Since 1.3.0 def lit(literal: Any):Column Creates a Column of literal value. The passed in object is returned directly if it is already a Column. If the object is a Scala Symbol, it is converted into a Column also. Otherw...
### Built-in FunctionsSpark SQL is based on<!--((("Hive project", "SQL conventions")))--> Hive’s SQL conventions and functions, and it is possible to call all these functions using `dplyr` as well. This means that we can use any Spark SQL functions to accomplish operations that ...