Add in your spare ribs to the crockpot. Pour tomato sauce over ribs then top them off with tomato paste and green chiles. Add a bit of salt and pepper on top. Cover and let cook on low for 6-8 hours. They will be ready when they are falling off the bone! Once your spare ribs...
Last week it was my turn to choose ourCrock Pot Thursdayrecipe, and my husband surprised me by requesting ribs. He loves ribs, so that part wasn’t a shock, but he has a new Traeger grill, and if ribs were going to be made, I would imagine he would want to cook them on his new...
I even have a meal planning notebook with them in it : ) Today, I put thawed boneless chicken breasts with a little water in the crockpot on high and just 4 hours later I could shred them with a fork! I leave the broth in and add a little barbeque sauce and will keep them warm ...
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