SPARE meaning: 1 : kept as something extra that can be used if it is needed; 2 : available to be used in whatever way you want
The meaning of SPARE is not being used; especially : held for emergency use. How to use spare in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Spare.
The meaning of SPARE is not being used; especially : held for emergency use. How to use spare in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Spare.
Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. Quiz Q: “Pisces” comes from Latin, meaning … “fish”: the constellation depicts two fish. ...
WarioWare Inc.: Mega Microgame$!BOWLING Names in other languages[edit] LanguageNameMeaning Japaneseボウリング[?] BouringuBowling Chinese保龄球[?] BǎolíngqiúBowling FrenchUne seul boule[?]One single ball GermanMeisterwurf?[?]Master throw?
The meaning "dispense from one's own stock, give or yield up" (especially what is not needed or in use) is recorded from c. 1200. Related:Spared;sparing. spare(adj.) "kept in reserve, not in regular use, provided or held for extra need," late 14c., from or from the same root ...
Personal Perspective: It can be hard to find a way around restrictions in your life. I found my road to joy in a bowling alley.
"extra thing or part," 1640s, from spare (adj.). The Middle English noun sense was "a sparing, mercy, leniency" (early 14c.). Bowling game sense of "an advantage gained by a knocking down of all pins in two bowls" is attested from 1843, American English. ...
For the meaning in modern bowling, see sense 6. Free Unconstrained by quantifiers. z is the free variable in \forall x\exists y:xy=z. Spare The act of knocking down all ten pins in two bowls, which entitles the bowler to add the number of pins knocked down in the next bowl to the...
The meaning of SPARE is not being used; especially : held for emergency use. How to use spare in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Spare.