VLAN 1 bridge priority set to16384 VLAN 1 bridge max aging time unchanged at 20 VLAN 1 bridge hello time unchanged at 2 VLAN 1 bridge forward delay unchanged at 15 1.在交换机上作root secondary ,bridge priority确定为16384,该值不会随着其他交换机prioriy的变化而变化,也就说这条命令等效于把 br...
Switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan 10 priority 4096 //设置[针对vlan10]的spanning-tree优先级 Switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan 10 root primary //宏命令,[针对vlan10]设置主根桥 Switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan 10 root secondary //宏命令,[针对vlan10]设置副根桥 Switch(config-if)#spanning-tree ...
数据中心与灾难恢复站点之间的连接使用了802.1Q干线,但是只允许三个VLAN接入这条干线。因此,灾难恢复站点的交换机了解所有的VLAN,使用生成树来确定城域以太网链路是VLAN 10、20和30通向根的路径。 然而,灾难恢复站点的交换机认为,它是该干线上未使用的其他VLAN的STP根。这可能会引起问题,因为现在环境有两只交换机认...
Switch (config) #spanning-tree vlan XX root secondary Switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan 1 priority XX(优先级默认为32768,要为4096的倍数) 生成树的特性:portfast和Bpduguard portfast(快速端口):主要是让与access接口相连的主机或服务器,不参与生成树的选举过程,接口瞬间进入forwarding,节约了30s的时间 Switch ...
STP task2. Using only a single command on SW2, ensure SW2 will become the root bridge for VLAN10 if SW1 fails. SW2 (config)# spanning-tree vlan 10 root secondary Sometimes it may be best to allow the switches to do the math on the bridge I.D. and let them sort out that value....
启用生成树:spanning-tree vlanvlan-list(vlan号) (2)配置交换机为根网桥:spanning-tree vlanvlan-listrootprimary(指定根网桥)|secondary(备用根网桥) (3)修改交换机的优先级:spanning-tree vlanvlan-listprioritybridge-priority(网桥优先级) (4)修改端口路径成本:spanning-tree vlanvlan-listcostcost(成本) ...
它通过在交换机之间传递桥接协议数据单元(Bridge Protocol Data Unit,BPDU)来互相告知诸如交换机的桥ID、链路性质、根桥(Root Bridge)ID等信息,以确定根桥,决定哪些端口处于转发状态,哪些端口处于阻断状态,以免引起网络环路. 当交换机之间有多个VLAN时Trunk线路负载会过重,这时需要设置多个Trunk端口,但这样会形成网络...
Im just going through your topology and am wondering how SW2 is the root for Vlan 10 when there is still a path to the root SW1 after pulling fa0/1 and 2. The path being through SW3. Therfore, SW2 should only consider itself the root for a short period then re-converge back to ...
指定root/secondary root Switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan 1 root primary Switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan 1 root secondary 指定交换机的优先级 Switch(config)#spanning-tree vlan 1 priority priority 查看 Switch#show spanning-tree vlan vlan-id...