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LS3SW1(config)# spanning-tree mst 1 prionty 0LS3SW1(config)# spanning-tree mst 2 prionty 4096LS3SW1(config)# spanning-tree 1 configurationLS3SW1(config)# instance 2 vlan 10LS3SW1(config)# instance 3 vlan 10则1 2 3处对应配置为() ...
Refer to the show spanning-tree mst configuration output shown in the exhibit. What should be changed in the configuration of the switch SW_2 in order for it to participate in the same MST region? () SW...
The MST configuration controls to which MST region each switch belongs. The configuration includes the name of the region, the revision number, and the MST VLAN-to-instance assignment map. You configure the switch for a region by specifying the MST region configura...
You must manually configure the MST configuration (region name, revision number, and VLAN-to-instance mapping) on each switch within the MST region through the command-line interface (CLI) or SNMP. •For load balancing across redundant paths in the network to work, all VL...
This document provides typical configuration examples for interoperation between Huawei switches and mainstream IP phones, firewalls, routers, Microsoft NLB servers, multi-NIC servers, Cisco switches, and SolarWinds. About This Document ...
LS3SW1(config)# spanning-tree mst 1 prionty 0LS3SW1(config)# spanning-tree mst 2 prionty 4096LS3SW1(config)# spanning-tree (1) configurationLS3SW1(config)# instance (2) vlan 10LS3SW1(config)# instance (3) vlan 20则(1) (2) (3)处对应配置为( ) A、 mstp B、 mstp C、 mst ...