Spanning Tree Priority If you are running STP for a VLAN-aware bridge in the default mode (RSTP) and you have a multiple spanning tree instance (MSTI 0, also known as a common spanning tree, or CST), you can set the tree priority for a bridge. The bridge with the lowe...
配置开启交换机spanning-tree功能(默认开启,模式为MST,多进程生成树协议),并配置生成树中本交换机的优先级为8192(默认)。具体配置为: spanning-tree mst instance 0 priority 8192(此条语句为默认语句) interface smartgroup2 description zhanghuan-cisco3560-1 switchport access vlan 870 interface smartgroup3 ...
The Internal Spanning Tree (IST), which is a special MST instance with an instance ID 0. By default, all the VLANs are mapped to IST.CSTThe Common Spanning Tree (CST), that is the spanning tree connecting all MST regions. As is shown in Figure 1-3, region1-region 4 are connected ...
单选题 为了保证交换网络的可靠性,l3sw交换机和l2sw交换机启用MSTP,并且配置VRRP使L3SW1作为VLAN10的活动网关以及VLAN20的备份网关。L3SW2作为vlan20的活动网 关以及vlan10的备份网关,并且在跟踪上行接口的状态。 LS3SW1(config)#spanning-treeLS3SW1(config)# spanning-tree mst 1 prionty 0LS3SW1(config)# ...
switchxxxxxx(config)#spanning-tree mst1priority4096 spanning-tree mst max-hops Use thespanning-tree mst max-hopsGlobal Configuration mode command to configure the number of hops in an MST region before the BDPU is discarded and the port information is aged out. Use thenoform of this...
#int HundredGigE 0/0/0/3.1021Router(config-l2vpn-bg-bd-ac)#exitRouter(config-l2vpn-bg-bd)#int HundredGigE 0/0/0/14.1021Router(config-l2vpn-bg-bd-ac)#commit/* Configure MSTP Parameters */ Router#configureRouter(config)#spanning-tree mst aRouter(co...
spanning-tree [mst <instance-id>] priority <value(0-61440)> no spanning-tree [mst <instance-id(1-64)>] priority Parameter Description mst <instance-id>- Configures the ID of MSTP instance already created in the Switch. This value ranges between 1 and 64. The special ...
进程2000 默认 SW1 0/0 口是根端口,现在让 0/1 口做根端口 可以改 SW2 0/1 口的 port ID SW2(config)#interface ethernet 0/1 SW2(config-if)#spanning-tree mst 2000 port-priority 64 //默认是 128,改 64 的倍数 。 此时Et0/1 口就为根端口了。
5. Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) =IEEE 802.1s IEEE 802.1D 网桥标识符 生成树为每台网桥或交换机分配唯一的标识符,也成网桥ID,网桥ID包括两部分:2字节的优先级值和6字节的MAC地址。Cisco Catalyst交换机默认优先级是32768,优先级取值范围0-65535,因为MAC地址是唯一的,所有网桥ID也总是唯一的。
8octets 2octets 2octets 2octets2octets2octets BridgeIDPortIDMessageAgeMaxAgeHelloTimeForwardDelay Version1Length RootMessageAge=020Seconds2Seconds15Seconds Totallength=36bytes RSTPBPDUFormat 2octets1octet1octets1octets ProtocolIDVersionBPDUType BPDUFlagsRootID CostofPath Ver2RSTP02RSTBPDU2-bytepriority ...