Knowing your body parts in Spanish can be quite useful. You can use the vocabulary to describe someone, to help you when shopping for clothes, and it is definitely a must for the doctor’s office. In this article, we’ll cover the names of body parts in Spanish. We’ll start with yo...
Eggs are also used in a number of other Latin American Spanish slang words and expressions, particularly in Chile whereahuevonadois used to describe someone stupid, the verbhuevearmeans “to mess around” and the phrase “agarrar para el hueveo” means to tease someone. Other variants are d...
Well, chances are that the folks here in Spain would refer to those guys as Gilipollas. Directly translated it means “asshole” but rather than using it to call someone a jerk, it is used more to describe a person as an idiot, or a fool. Someone who just doesn’t think before ...
1127 Words 5 Pages Good Essays Read More Describe A Time When You Changed Your Mind Essay From when I was ten until I was fifteen, I wanted to become a lawyer. I’ve always had impressive public speaking skills, a persuasive personality, and a knack for debate, so it seemed like the ...
Friendship is a universal concept, but the words we use to express it can vary widely depending on the culture and region. In Spanish, the slang words for “friend” reflects the incredible diversity of the language across different countries—in fact, there are over 100 ways to say it. ...
There isn’t only one way to say “amazing” in Spanish – there are a few words that work. You could useincreíble(“incredible”),asombroso(“astounding”) ormaravilloso(“marvellous”). All of them have similar meanings. So if you want to tell your loved one they’re amazing, sayEres...
Once you finish this lesson, you will be able to describe any person, animal, or object. The lesson includes the most common descriptive words and some practice so you get to use your new vocabulary right away. Related to this Question ...
Spanish is a beautiful language, with a lot of words to describe beauty. But would you know how to tell your Spanish-speaking valentine how attractive they are?There are many ways in Spanish to say “beautiful”, just like there are many ways to say it in English: “attractive”, “...
Adverbial adjectives have a similar meaning to adverbs; they don’t describe a noun but rather they express concepts of time (actual,presente,futuro,frecuenteetc. or manner (probable,seguro,presunto,supuestoetc. Example: Laactualministra de hacienda. ...
la llaveMeaning “the key,” it could refer to a close friend in Colombia. majo/majaUsed in Spain to describe someone who is nice, friendly, or pleasant. meticheIn much of Latin America, this means a nosy person who meddles in other people’s business. If they then turn around and tel...