In Experiment 1, participants had to write single words that were aurally presented. The interletter intervals (ILIs) between critical letters were measured. Longer ILIs were found in the intersyllabic than the intrasyllabic condition. In Experiment 2, the inputs were pictures to remove any ...
This study intends to contribute to L2 emotion vocabulary research by looking at the words that primary school EFL learners produce in response to prompts in a lexical availability task. Specifically, it aims to ascertain whether emotion prompts (Love, Hate, Happy and Sad) generate a greater numb...
With hundreds of spoken and phonetically written words and expressions, this phrasebook is designed to do exactly what the name says - make speaking Spanish eas…
The article explores the characteristics of the poetic translation as well as the techniques used by Carlos Marrodán Casas (without a doubt one of the best known Polish translators of Spanish and Ibero-American Narrative) who has dedicated himself — more than once ...
Preguntele lo que quería y me dijo estas palabras: padre, he tenido noticia, como vos V también sabéis V como muchas veces te T dije que los [indígenas] de los Apóstoles se apropiaban la estancia de Ybirapatá (Padre Miguel Ximénez reporting the last words of a Genoa Indian regardi...
In other words, when we argue that the second generation of SE policy involves in part adopting a large number of policy initiatives from “outside” SE, this is because the new relationships, behaviors, and values, etc., from new “mainstream” SE policy initiatives have often been tested ...