Welcome to Spanish words list, a site designed to provide lists of Spanish words that begin with a particular letter or combination of letters. This information can be useful for those playing word games in Spanish, for example a crossword puzzle in Spanish. On the site you’ll find informat...
If you enjoy Latin American films, television, or whatever, you'll find many of the words and phrases used in here. As always with slang, be careful using what you hear; it may not work quite the way you expect. A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V Y Z...
If you want to move past listing a few vocabulary words plus a series of spontaneous hand motions and pointing to get your message across in Spanish, then you’re going to need grammar. While a big part of learning a language is building your vocabulary, grammar is the vehicle that ...
Because the changes are based on pronunciation rather than spelling,ydoes not change before words, such ashierba, that begin with theia,ie,io, oriusound, regardless of spelling. Those two-letter combinations are known asdiphthongs; the initial sounds are very similar to the Spanish "y" sound ...
Newly revised based on feedback from some of our 125,000 users, this word recognition and language learning tool provides a new “touch” mode which allows new readers and language learners to simply touch pictures and words to hear native voices saying the common words in the game. In Touch...
song of the wind song renzong song taew song without words song xia xi yi ji song yang yin hou song-fu liu song-hu liu song-jiang dou song-jie zhao song-ling fu song-min li song-shan chen song-xian liu song the farmer in th songfest songgok college songgwang-sa songhua river son...
Many learning programs fail to provide you with a clear, comprehensive guide to the many faucets that make up pronunciation including diphthongs, word stress, and vowels. As a consequence you may develop a strong accent and mispronounce spanish words, leaving native speakers confused. ...
Use ofinm-instead of "im-" to start words:Examples includeinmadurez(immaturity),inmaterial, andinmigración. Use oftras-for "trans-":Many English words that begin with "trans-," but not all, have Spanish cognates that begin withtras-. Examples includetrasplantarandtrascender. However, there ...
Reporting another person's words in the past tense ¿Se lo explicas? (Can you explain it to him?) Sentences with two object pronouns. Se me ha roto el ordenador (my computer broke down): The use of Se with accidents and involuntary actions. ...
When your friends begin to flatter you on how young you look, it's a sure sign you're getting old. I worked for a full 24 hours without getting any sleep. I've heard that eating one or two servings of fish a week will reduce your chances of getting heart disease. ...