el burro, la burra, burro ( boo - rroh) masculine or feminine noun 1. (ass) a. donkey (masculine) Tengo dos burros en mi granja.I have two donkeys on my farm. b. jenny (feminine) La burra caminaba por la colina con su cría.The jenny walked along the hill with her baby. 2....
Soon you’ll be able to connect words into phrases, link phrases into complete sentences and use sentences in everyday dialogue. But start small. Greetings are a great place to begin. When you know how to say hello, you’re on your way to making new friends. After that, move on to ...
We use all of the letters in the Spanish alphabet also in the English alphabet, with the exception of -ñ. In addition, there are three two-letter combinations called digraphs that we traditionally analyze as single units: -ch, -ll, and -rr. We stress Spanish words according to two ...
Reporting another person's words in the past tense ¿Se lo explicas? (Can you explain it to him?) Sentences with two object pronouns. Sentence structures for expressing simultaneous actions Sentences that use si (if) Sentences without a subject ...
• Plays on words should be avoided in text to be translated, since they practically never can be reproduced. One example would be a PowerPoint slide revolving around words that begin with the same letter. Another would be advertising based on a word with a double meaning in English. ...
We focus on the sounds, rhythms, and feeling of this beautiful language right from the very first class. Why? Because when it comes to communication the ‘music’ and energy of the language are just as important as the words that you speak. ...
with the tongue that appears in words like arriba (“up” or “above”) and correo (“mail”). You also roll the r when it’s at the beginning of a word like rojo (“red”) or after the n sound like in sonrisa (“smile”). To improve your Spanish pronunciation of the rr sound...
1.Start speaking right away.If your goal is to communicate with other people, you’re going to want to practice actually speaking from the start. Learning vocabulary is important, but knowing what the words are isn’t helpful if you have trouble getting them out. That’s why Babbel makes ...
Nonresponse or respondent 38 confusion may occur from inaccurate use of regionally preferred words (Becerra & Shaw, 1984). "Even when idiomatic differences in Spanish do not affect meaning, recent work (Berkanovic, 1980) shows that it may significantly reduce the perception about seriousness of ...
“feel” the language. By that I mean an intuitive trust the words and phrases will come when you need them. Nik Wallenda, who walked the cable between Chicago sky-scrapers, succeeded because he wasn’t preoccupied with falling. Like walking a tightrope, language confidence rests on going ...