This accentuation is called diacritical tilde and has the function of differentiating two words that are spelled the same but have a different meaning. Here are some sentences: Tu primo me dejó el coche el fin de semana (Your cousin left me the car on the weekend). Tú y yo tenemos ...
This page contains every English word that begins with the letter "H" in, the world's leading Spanish-English dictionary.
Homophones with Y vs LL in Spanish As we’ve seen, yeísmo can result in identical pronunciations for words that are spelled with y vs ll. This pronunciation phenomenon is known as homophony, and the identically-pronounced words are known as homophones. We have another post where we look at...
with monosyllables Monosyllabic words are those that onlythey have one syllable:sea, bread, salt, train, etc. These words do not have an accent. They only have when there are two words that are spelled the same, one of them has thediacritical tilde:your/you, my/me, you/tea, etc. ...
Latin American Spanish has a number of regional dialects; all are derived from Castilian but differ in several points of phonology from European Spanish. Typical of Latin American Spanish is the use of the /s/ sound where Castilian has the lisplike /th/ sound (for words spelled with a z ...
Spanish speakers normally use the [b] sound to pronounce words spelled with either b or v. Los hispanohablantes por lo general usan el sonido [b] para pronunciar palabras que se escriben o con b o con v. Literature Portuguese For Spanish Speakers. UU.) para personas de habla espa...
If you want to learn Spanish or any language for that matter, a good tip is to identify the language’s cognates – the vocabulary you already know! Cognates are words that have common etymological origins, a.k.a. words that are spelled the same in Spanish and English or have only ...
aThere are several differences between English and Spanish regarding relatives: 1) In Spanish we cannot omit the relative pronoun as occurred in the last example above; 2) Spanish highlights the difference between relative pronouns and similarly spelled question words by not using accent marks on th...
The acute mark helps you understand how to pronounce a word and how to distinguish two words that are otherwise spelled the same - liketuandtú We use the diéresis mark to indicate that you should pronounce the lettersuandiin particular circumstances, like in the wordsbilingüeandvergüenza, and...
This phrase may also be spelled "this storey" when used in contexts like that shown in 3). this story ( thihs stor - i) phrase 1. (factual) a. esta historia This story is about the American Civil War.Esta historia trata de la Guerra Civil americana. 2. (fictional) a. este cuent...