Ending -zar Ending -zco Stem Change e->ie Stem Change o->ue Stem Change e->i SPANISH VERB LISTS Having problems figuring out what to do with this verb or that one? These verb lists are useful study tools, as they provide hints concerning variations in the conjugation of different types...
(script, hyphen) used to have atildeon the lettero. It was perceived as having two syllables and, according to Spanish rules for words ending innors, required an accent on the final syllable (e.g.,guión). However, many Spanish native speakers, particularly those in Latin America, actually...
The e ending has become more and more common since Ifirst postedabout it in 2015 (my all time most read post). I like it, but some are insisting on including the a and o as well, so in this case juntos, juntas, y juntes - meaning that e would not capture male and female, but...
The present subjunctive (el presente de subjuntivo) is used to refer to the future as well as the present. Read on the learn how to use the present subjunctive in Spanish grammar. Master the conjugation, then put your knowledge to the test in the free ex
Le gusto,(he/she likes me) for example, has the-oending which we naturally connect with the first person singularyo(I). It can therefore appear that hereyouare the one liking when in reality you’re the one being liked. The key to avoiding confusion is tocreate possible sentencesthat coul...
The -CAR, -GAR, -ZAR category ofpreteriteis really a subset of the regular -AR category. La categoría -CAR, -GAR, -ZAR depreteritees realmente un subconjunto de la categoría -AR regular. Below each image, students will provide their text, highlighting the use of imperfect,preterite, or...
Write each vocabulary word in Spanish on one side of an index card and in English on the other side. You can test yourself by looking at the Spanish word first and translating it into English, or you can have the English appear first to test your recall of the Spanish words. Spending ...
All have stem changes except nosotros and vosotros= o-u e-i car-que gar-gue zar-ce estar- esté saber- sepá dar- dé ser- sea ir- vaya conjugate to yo, drop o, add opposite ending ar- e ir/er- a What is the preterito perfecto subjunctivo?