Take a common word likemanteca, for example. That's the word for lard, a much-used cooking ingredient in some Spanish-speaking countries. Add the ending-illa, a common ending, and it becomesmantequilla, or butter. Add the ending-ero, and it becomesmantequero, which can mean either a dai...
Not all words ending in -ma are masculine. Some, like forma (form), are feminine. There are also many common words ending in e that are feminine, so this rule must be taken with a grain of salt. The table below shows examples of masculine words with the endings listed above. Ending...
the word Canco appears in the poem by Federico García Lorca “Oda a Walt Whitman” ending with a series of words, or rather insults, we supposed used to point gay men of the time: “Faeriesde Norteamérica,pájarosde la Habana,jotosde Méjico,sarasasde Cádiz,apiosde Sevilla,cancosde Ma...
The negative coefficient for the last predictor suggests that all other variables being equal, students accessing the university through this route (i.e., University entry exam for older than 25) are prone to ending up in the Control condition. Table 1. Logistic regression model with T/C as ...