The names of Spanish liver sausages do not start with the word "liver" (higado in Spanish), but have salchicha prefix ie. Salchicha de higado (Liver Sausage), Salchicha de higado con trufas (Liver Sausage with Truffles). Salchicha is a term that covers almost any fresh or cooked small sau...
Silk. The word itself is beautiful. The story of silk starts in China over 4,000 years ago. It is said that a cocoon(茧)fell into a woman's tea cup. It then opened into a single thread(线). This was an important discovery. The Chinese learned they could u...
Whoever starts working in their youth, gets to live lavishly when they're older. My husband has two older brothers. (That's right, I'm a third-son's wife) English word "mayor"(older) occurs in sets:Rodzina (eng-spa) 6. senior The senior citizens' spirits were high in spite of ...
Legend says that eating one grape for each stroke of the clock at midnight on January 1 will bring good luck in the new year. Join in on the fun by heading to one of the large public gatherings that take place in most cities (such as at Puerta del Sol in Madrid or Plaza Nueva in ...
Anybody hearing the namesalamican visualize this type of sausage and most people hearing the wordchorizoknow it is a Spanish sausage. However, the world of sausages becomes confusing when we see descriptions such as embutido, salchichόn, salchicha, longaniza, longanissa, morcilla, morcilla neg...
Reason#2YouwanttorunwiththebullsinPamplona,buttheydon’tunder- standEnglish. Reason#1Oneword—Cancún. SeriouslySpeaking Nowthatwe’vehadalittlefun,it’stimetoseriouslyconsiderwhyyoushouldstudy Spanish.Let’stakealookatsomemorecrediblereasons: RealReason#10Youlovemusic,especiallymusicwithanativebeat.Itjust...
integration mechanism, using specialized hierarchical recognition modules that define formal strategies to determine if a word is well or poorly written. A comparative evaluation shows that the precision and coverage of our Ar2p-Text model are competitive with other spell-checkers. In the experiments, ...
In this article, I have assumed that Spanish has two grammatical genders, so the nouns of this language are assigned to masculine ([m]) or feminine ([f]) gender. In Spanish, the assignment of gender is carried out in a relatively transparent manner and is largely guided by word final vo...
followed by four blocks with 56 attempts each that mixed the conditions in a random order. In two blocks, participants were asked to pay attention only to the semantic in order to decide whether the last word was predictable or not (semantic task). In the other blocks, the participants were...
In principle, a high frequency of certain terms is related to the importance given to the issue they refer to (Pollach 2018). Studies with a qualitative approach also suggest that a high frequency of relevant terms indicates an in-depth treatment of the topic (Ihlen 2009). The data ...