globo/globe, hamaca/hammock, isla/island, jugo/juice, kilogramo/kilogram, lámpara/lamp, madre/mother, noche/night, océano/ocean, pantalones/pants, quintillizo/quintuplets, rata/rat, serpiente/snake, tigre/tiger, unicorno/unicorn, volcán/volcano, wok, xilófono/xylophone, yema/yolk, and zigzag...
Random Word Roll the dice and learn a new word now! Want to Learn Spanish? Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Country-specific vocabulary Slang, idiom, and regional phrasebooks Vosotrosvsvosconjugation practice Regional grammar Try 7 Days for Free ...
American English Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors) English Later in the day, 12 of the cruiser's sailors (including one unidentifiable at the time) were buried at sea. The jeep he road in prior to his death had a flag wrapped around a pole that was uni...
Well, now let us pass the word to Chico Xavier. No pasemos mi últimas horas buscando un unicornio. Let's not spend my last hours looking for a unicorn. Importa poco donde pasemos el resto de nuestro días. It matters little where we pass the remnant of our days. No puedo creer que...
English word "poema"(poem) occurs in sets: Vocabulario B1: Entertainment and Media 2/4 Vocabulario B1: Entertainment and Media 3/4 Fichas del libro - "My Boyhood" (John Burroughs) Fichas del libro - "The Lonely Unicorn A novel" (A... ...
*as in sad, not the other, umm, kind of blue. For once, jazz mag fans. **I particularly loved that. ^I assume, I struggle to match the singer to the song here occasionally. ^^I may use this word 1,349 times during this review, please accept my insincere apologies, it isn’t ...
I think after the sessions I’ve attended and the people to whom I’ve spoken today, this is very appropriate! I definitely admit to rainbow unicorn-ness #misuperpoder#talleresdeespañol2022#spanishteachers@CristaHazell@senorcordero@CARMENAB65@consejeriaukJane, ...
However, I had never seen a man, armed only with a piece of cloth, hypnotise a half of a ton of wild beast until it rests its horn against him like the Lady and the Unicorn in those tapestries which were also the products of Flanders but in a more civilised age. ...
I lost my blue unicornI don't know if he escapedI don't know if he got lostAnd I have nothingNothing but a blue unicornIf someone knows anythingI beg them to share that information with meMi unicornio azul ayer se me perdióNo sé si se me fueNo sé si extravióY yo no tengo m...
148 Unicorn 149 AD钙奶 150 双笙大神~ 151 DK.Xu 152 zero 153 兜god.❀ 154 FashionCat.妍 155 abcd 156 !!! 157 是谁令青山也变 158 Ambulance.袖手旁观o 159 ... 160 xiayiba 161 美麗新世界 162 Destiny 163 脳漿炸裂人類 164 炫 165 地下皇帝 166 生生 167 手撕鸡1 168 穿越世纪 ...