spaghetti Western spaghettini Spain Spalacidae Spalax spall Spallanzani spallation Spam spammer span span loading Spandau spandex spandrel spandril spang spangle spangled spangly Spaniard spaniel Spanish Spanish American Spanish Armada Spanish bayonet Spanish broom Spanish burgoo Spanish capital Spanish cedar ...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
Take a handful of spaghetti and throw it into boiling water. Tome un puñado de espaguetis y échelo en el agua hirviendo. Make a wish and throw it back in the lake. Pide un deseo y arrójala de vuelta al lago. Go ahead and throw it, if you think it's best. Adelante y tíra...
When I visit my mom, she always insists on dishing up a large plate of spaghetti for me. Cuando visito a mi madre, ella siempre insiste en servirme un gran plato de fideos. WordReference English-SpanishDictionary © 2025: Compound Forms: ...
When we cook spaghetti, which is a delicious Italian national dish, we use a colander, a container full of holes which drains the water off the spaghetti. Cuando se preparan los espaguetis que en Italia son un plato nacional muy rico, se usa un colador, o sea, un recipiente lleno de...
Spanish Word for tissues Spanish Word for vote Spanish Word for spaghetti Spanish Word for skill Spanish Word for so Spanish Word for use (v) Spanish Word for snow (n) Spanish Word for waist Spanish Word for signature Spanish Word for sunInterested...
You need to boil the spaghetti for 12 minutes.Tienes que hervir el espagueti por 12 minutos. b. cocer Boil the potatoes for 20 minutes and then add butter.Cuece las papas por 20 minutos y luego ponles mantequilla. noun 4. (sore) a. el forúnculo (M) I got a boil on my toe...
I am the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Thou shalt have no other monsters before Me. (Afterwards is OK; just use protection.) The only Monster who deserves capitalization is Me! Other monsters are false monsters, undeserving of capitalization. That's dangerous, I'll clear it up. "It's OK .....
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*as in sad, not the other, umm, kind of blue. For once, jazz mag fans. **I particularly loved that. ^I assume, I struggle to match the singer to the song here occasionally. ^^I may use this word 1,349 times during this review, please accept my insincere apologies, it isn’t ...