a. pumpkin Voy a hacer un puré con los zapallos que compré.I'm going to make a purée with the pumpkins I bought. 2. (botany) (South America) a. pumpkin Los zapallos que planté este año ya están enormes.The pumpkins I planted this year are huge already. ...
This FREE sample includes phonics letter word work, a cutting and sorting of the life cycle, pumpkin science investigations page, and a rainbow number tracing page. You can find the complete set of the unit by following this link below: The Pumpkin Life
a. ahuecar Hollow out the pumpkin before carving the mouth and eyes.Ahueca la calabaza antes de tallarle la boca y los ojos.Copyright © 2025 Curiosity Media Inc.Examples Examples have not been reviewed. ahuecar (11) ahuecan (9) vaciar (7) vacían (3) ahueca hacia fuera (2) An...
This journal is perfect to use for students to record data while you exploring pumpkins! Each student can record data about their own pumpkin, or students can record data about a class pumpkin that is observed together. Complete one to two activities eac
EnchantedLearning.com Spanish Theme Page A Picture Dictionary, Information, Quizzes, Worksheets and Printouts to ColorClick Here for K-3 Themes Holidays and Seasons in Spanish Winter Words in Spanish Label the winter words in Spanish, including snow, snowflake, snowman, hat, scarf, glove, sled...
Answers Thanksgiving Words in SpanishLabel the Thanksgiving (el diá de Acción de Gracias) words in Spanish, including turkey, pumpkin, pie, corn, yam, cranberry, hat, apple, cornucupia, and roll.Answers Match Spanish Thanksgiving Words and PicturesMatch 10 Spanish Thanksgiving words to their...
Literal translation:There isn’t any bald donkey nor any pumpkin with hair English equivalent:Say what you really know and do what you can really do Imagine a bald donkey or a pumpkin with hair… it wouldn’t make any sense! The point is, talk about what you know, do what you can do...
SpanishPronunciationTranslation una calabaza(OO-nah kah-lah-BAH-sah)a pumpkin un disfraz(oon dees-FRAHS)a costume un fantasma(oon fahn-TAHS-mah)a ghost una bruja(OO-nah BROO-hah)a witch un esqueleto(oon ehs-keh-LEH-toh)a skeleton ...
little one - love - Love from - lovey - lovey-dovey - loving care - mammy - my little one - my love - nurturance - old buddy - papa - pet name - poppet - pumpkin - puss - pussy - softy - sport - sweetheart - term of endearment - tootsie - unloving - warm - wifey - y ...
Tom baked his wife a pumpkin pie. Mary doesn't make pie crust. She usually buys it pre-made. All the competitors are trying to get their piece of the pie. When we entered the shack, we saw a half-eaten pie on the table. He asked for pie, and I ordered the same. Tom eagerly ...