My friends spoke little English, and they thought "VACANCIES" meant "holidays", because the Spanish word for “holidays" is"vacaciones". So they did not go to house where the sign outside said "VACANCIES", which in English means there are free rooms. Then my friends went to house where...
My friends spoke little English, and they thought “VACANCIES” meant “holidays”, because the Spanish word for “holidays” is “vacaciones”. So they did not go to the house where the sign outside said “VACANCIES”, which in English means there are free rooms. Then my friends went to...
Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See More 9 Superb Owl Words 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things ...
WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2025:Compound Forms: Inglés Español go abroad vi + adv (travel outside country) viajar al extranjero loc verb ir al extranjero loc verb Stavros is planning to go abroad for the first time in his life. Stavros está planeando viajar al extranjero...
My friends spoke little English, and they thought' VACANCIES' meant' holidays', because the Spanish word for' holidays"is' vacaciones'. So they did not go to house where the sign outside said ' VACAN CLES', which in English means there are free rooms. Then my friends went to house ...
My friends spoke little English, and they thought"VACANCIES" meant "holidays", because the Spanish word for"holidays" is "vacaciones". So they did not go to houses where the sign outside said"VACANCIES", which in English means there are free rooms. Then my friends went to houses where ...
I thought this was strange.Finally I understood what had happened.My friends spoke little English,and they thought “VACANCIES” meant “holidays”,because the Spanish word for “holidays” is “vacaciones”.So they did not go to house where the sign outside said “VACABCUES”,which in ...
My friends spoke little English, and they thought “VACANCIES” meant “holidays”, because the Spanish word for “holidays” is “vacaciones”. So they did not go to house where the sign outside said “VACABCUES”, which in English means there are free rooms. Then my friends went to ...
wall:la pared(inside),el muro(outside) window:la ventana Words for Appliances and Furniture bed:la cama blender:la licuadora chair:la silla chest of drawers:la cómoda couch, sofa:el sofá,el diván dishwasher:el lavavajillas,el lavaplatos,el friegaplatos(These are allcompound nouns.) ...
My friends spoke little English and they thought “VACANCIES” meant “holidays” because the Spanish word for “holidays” is said “vacaciones”. So they did not go to house where the sign outside said “VACANCIES” which in English means there are free rooms. Then my friends went to ...