There are lots of Spanish slang words for “money”. You might already know “dinero” and “plata,” but to understand financial talk from around the Spanish speaking world,… Spanish Slang for Beautiful The word for “beautiful” in Spanish is hermoso , but there are many other casual way...
This page contains every English word that begins with the letter "T" in, the world's leading Spanish-English dictionary.
Her kindness is stamped forever on my mind.Su gentileza ha quedado grabada para siempre en mi memoria. 8.(to stomp on) a.patear The kids were happy marching and stamping their feet.Los niños estaban contentos marchando y pateando en el suelo. ...
Kindness is not always a straight line. I was traveling in a city of Central America with a friend and we were 36 a post office. We were standing on a street corner and did not know what the Spanish word for “post office” was. Some 37 guy
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. The mayor of this city was blamed for turning a deaf ear to the people's requests. Deaf people can converse in sign language. Would you rather be blind or be deaf? blind and deaf My grandma always had poor heari...
It is our heartfelt wish that the legacy of grace and kindness bequeathed by the Princess of Wales may live on. Esperamos de corazón que el legado de gentileza dejado por la princesa de Gales sobreviva». The role of women is Florence Nightingale or the beautiful princess, sadly so tragic...
This phrase characterizes a person exploiting others’ kindness for their own benefit. “Abusón” in Mexico and “cachetero” in Puerto Rico convey this behavior with a critical tone. Mexican Spanish No seas abusón, siempre pides favores y nunca das nada a cambio. Don’t be someone who ...
EnHispania, escuela de español, we are very aware of how important a smile and kindness are for interpersonal relationships to be more fruitful. Our motto is:«Smile, you are in Hispania!😊». Apart from learning Spanish in ourface-to-face Spanish coursesand in ouronline Spanish cours...
whose readings of infinitive sentences provided the intonational data; Armando and Andr~s Migu~lez, who h~lped make my stay in Spain very pleasant; and the staff at the Biblioteca de la Real Academia Espanola in Madrid, especially Miss Cecilia L6pez, for their assistance and kindnesses to ...
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