goose grass n (shrub: silverweed) miscanto nm potentila plateada loc nom f grass blade n (leaf of grass) brizna de hierba nf + loc adj Le hizo cosquillas con una brizna de hierba. grass clippings npl (cuttings from a mown lawn) pasto cortado loc nom m When I cut the lawn, I us...
"They are killing the golden goose."Then, the Ecuador government appointed Fausto Ceped a as the national park's new director, a post that has become a political football for the mainland government.There have been nine directors in the past 18 months.This appointment was particularly ...
goose el ganso grouse el urogallo hawk el halcón jay el arrendajo lark la alondra magpie la urraca nightingale el ruiseñor owl el búho parrot el loro partridge la perdiz pheasant el faisán pigeon la paloma plane el avión quail
Spanish Word for crowded Spanish Word for engaged Spanish Word for honey Spanish Word for forge Spanish Word for error Spanish Word for his Spanish Word for den Spanish Word for goose Spanish Word for doveInterested in travelling to a Spanish-speaking country? Read the travel blog below: We...
blank verse-ditty-end rhyme-hokey pokey-Humpty Dumpty-mother goose-ring-a-ring-a-roses-Three Blind Mice-verse Spanish: rima-rimar-encadenado-sin ton ni son-sin pies ni cabeza-asonante-rima asonante-rima consonante-sin orden ni concierto-asonantar-al lote ...
American worm...Spanish tea noun Synonyms for Spanish tea nounrank-smelling tropical American pigweed Synonyms American wormseed Chenopodium ambrosioides wormseed Mexican tea Related Words goosefoot Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc....
Present participle ofgoose. See all conjugations of goose goose Add to list el ganso Examples have not been reviewed. Oh, he is stillgoosingit up over there. Todavía está haciendo depadrinoallí. The study's authors suggested some potentially target-rich circumstances forgoosingthe sale of lu...
Spanish liver sausages borrow the prefix of salchicha and combine it with the word liver (higado means liver in Spanish), for example: Salchicha de Higado (liver sausage), Salchicha de Higado de Cerdo (pork liver sausage), Salchicha de Higado de Oca (goose liver sausage). You will find doz...
English word "queso"(cheese) occurs in sets:national and local produce and productsFichas del libro - "The Story of Louie" (Oliver On...Fichas del libro - "The Gray Goose's Story" (Amy P...Fichas del libro - "Frank Armstrong, Drop Kicker" ...Fichas del libro - "Mari, Our Little...
“They are killing the golden goose.” Then, the Ecuador government appointed Fausto Cepeda as the national park's new director, a post that has become a political football for the mainland government. There have been nine directors in the past 18 months. This appointment was particularly ...