Each new generation is a divine gift to the world. Cada nueva generación es un regalo divino para el mundo. In fact, this is a bad example to the world. De hecho, este es un mal ejemplo para el mundo. Welcome to the world of Claude Monet, painter and gardener. Bienvenido al mundo...
More examples Machine Translators Translatehe guessesusing machine translators Roll the dice and learn a new word now! Want to Learn Spanish? Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Explore Regional Spanish with Premium Only SpanishDictionary.com covers the whole Spanish-speaking world!
The word for “beautiful” in Spanish ishermoso,but there are many other casual ways to say beautiful, depending on where you are and what (or who) you’re talking about. Spanish Slang for BeautifulMeaningCountry GuapoHandsome/BeautifulSpain, Latin America BonitoPretty/BeautifulUniversal LindoCute/...
The Spanish word for 'delicious' is quite similar:delicioso(pronounced: deh-lee-SYOH-soh). Remember that Spanish adjectives have to agree in gender... Learn more about this topic: Spanish Adjectives That Start With D from Chapter 4/ Lesson 7 ...
Influenced, especially in his early work, by Raphael Sanzio and the Lombard school school of Leonardo, he was called by his contemporaries "The Divine Morales", because of his skill and the shocking realism of his paintings, and because of the spirituality transmitted by all his work. His ...
Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has: it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but--more frequently than not --struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God. Woe to who be alone, my friends. It seems that social isolation quickly destroy...
Victor Davis Hansen mentions that the adopted Nahuatl word for "chicken," caxtil, was also their new word for "Castile" -- so Cortés had come from "the land of the chickens" [The End of Everything, Basic Books, 2024, p.238]. ...
Plagued with social strife for decades, the central African nation of Rwanda may finally be primed for a turnaround. Marriage, in peace, is this world's paradise; in strife, this life's purgatory. Strife is the rock on which the party split. English word "lucha"(strife) occurs in sets...
Synonyms: holy, divine, blessed, heavenly, sacrosanct, more... Collocations: sacred [scrolls, manuscripts, books, texts, relics], [find, discover, burn, destroy, restore] the sacred [scrolls], is a sacred [institution, animal, grove, valley, mount], more... Forum discussions with the wor...
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