payasoclown perdedorloser palabrotaswear word niño de mamámama’s boy SpanishEnglish idiotaidiot imbécilmoron tontofool pringadosucker cagadoscaredy cat patéticolame creídoshow off engreídobigheaded fastidioa pain in the neck malcriadospoiled brat ...
The clown threw himself about, making all the children laugh.El payaso se lanzaba de un lado para otro, haciendo que se rieran todos los niños. b. tirarse de un lado para otro The trainer tried to keep the horse from throwing itself about.El domador trataba de impedir que el caball...
The baby beamed at the clown's performance. El bebé sonrió ante el espectáculo del payaso. beam[sth]⇒vtrinformal(image: transmit)emitir⇒vtr transmitir⇒vtr Traffic came to a stop when an image of a gun was beamed onto an overpass. ...
El CircoCircus Words in SpanishA short, printable book about the circus in Spanish - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, write Spanish words in, and color. The pages are: caballo (horse), payaso (clown), malabarista (juggler), tigre (tiger), elefan...
According to, kids who learn two languages simultaneously are quicker to pick up on word structure, have a higher vocabulary range and even have ave stronger working memories and attention spans. Looking for more great kids' book recommendations? Check out these Good Housekeeping ...
La tetrodotoxina, también llamada intoxicación porpez globoo fuguismo, es una forma mucho más rara de intoxicación por pescado. More examples Phrases Machine Translators Translatepufferfishusing machine translators Try 7 Days for Free 🚀 Remove ads...
It is a signature component of Spanish-language commentators, who scream the word with an incredible amount of gusto and passion. But why do they celebrate strikes in such a way?Goaltakes a look. Why do Spanish & Portuguese commentators shout "gooooooooool"?
"La Ciudad de Hielo le costó la corona al payaso de la ciudad" "Icetown costs ice clown his town crown." "La intransigencia de la niña le costó ir a la universidad que quisiera". "The little girl's intransigence cost her the college of her choice." "Mírale, me costó mil...
The critical sentence was introduced by a while-clause, which established the reference time (e.g., While the music was playing, the clown was building a bridge). Children accepted imperfective aspect for both complete and incomplete events, as adults did (see van Hout and COST A33 Consortium...
professional clown 李相夷 Yukio0 又不是为了赢 樱桃味可乐 不爱买魔棒 胡图图 hehe 依东大神 moonlight Vodka .zzf 浮夸的年代 Sergio Ramos Oj8K 好 xiaodang 喜静与净 帕个吉吧 daible 灰青 abcd312 0908(刚被打3都是猪鼻) 半仙...