Now for the moſt part your porter is either ſome broken cittizen, who hath plaid Jack-of-all-trades, ſome pander, broker, or hangman, that hath plaid the knaue with all men, and for the more certainty his embleme is a red beard, to which ſacke hath made his noſe co...
Forum discussions with the word(s) "breaking" in the title: a breaking down of and then a deep dive into the specific... a breaking wave a record of breaking promises A record-breaking 75 hot dogs back breaking back breaking work back-breaking = agotadora? be heartbroken from Kenny brea...
Spanish Word for caraway Spanish Word for brokenly Spanish Word for cask Spanish Word for cannonade Spanish Word for blissfulness Spanish Word for cantabrian Spanish Word for ceramic Spanish Word for candidacy Spanish Word for bumpInterested in travelling to a Spanish-speaking country? Read the trave...
Spanish Word for brokenly Spanish Word for bundle Spanish Word for bromine Spanish Word for catalyst Spanish Word for census Spanish Word for ceilingsInterested in travelling to a Spanish-speaking country? Read the travel blog below: Loving being here... (Heredia, Costa Rica)I...
On the boulevard ofbroken dreams Caption 1,Joaquin Sabina - Por el Boulevar de los Sueños Rotos Play Caption and in-as, for the feminine: Es unatontaésa, She's adumb, that one, como todas lastontasque se meten con Ivo. like all thedumb oneswho get involved with Ivo. ...
Victor Davis Hansen mentions that the adopted Nahuatl word for "chicken," caxtil, was also their new word for "Castile" -- so Cortés had come from "the land of the chickens" [The End of Everything, Basic Books, 2024, p.238]. ...
WordReference English-SpanishDictionary © 2024: Compound Forms: InglésEspañol nonbreakable, non-breakableadj(that cannot be broken)irrompibleadj mf 'breakable' aparece también en las siguientes entradas: Spanish: frágil-quebradizo Synonyms:fragile,delicate,frail,brittle,weak,more... ...
For the quizzes... please add options to the voice quiz like: Do not pause test if voice not detected, sound effects and vibration on / off. Option to disable point system. The voice recognition is broken and there are many words that are totally broken like "viga" and "pocilga"......
This word comes from the Arabic “al-jebr”, literally, the reunion of broken parts, a term coined in the book, “Rules of Reintegration and Reduction” by the famed Muslim mathematician and astronomer, Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi. examples Este año, estoy tomando clases ...
The first command will import the packagehyphenatand the second line is a list of space-separated words with defined hyphenation rules. On the other side, if you want awordnot to be broken automatically, use the{\nobreak word}command within your document. ...