Spanish steps back to signs of recovery; Former Huddersfield gymnast and landlord Brian Hayhurst has lived in Spain for many years with wife Elaine. Here he gives an insight into the goings-on over Easter A 2013 study hinted that a group of Spanish people who ate a big midday meal lost ...
This page contains every English word that begins with the letter "H" in, the world's leading Spanish-English dictionary.
Random Word Roll the dice and learn a new word now!Get a Word Want to Learn Spanish? Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Translation The world’s largest Spanish dictionary Conjugation Conjugations for every Spanish verb Vocabulary Learn vocabulary faster Grammar Learn every rule and exception...
Spanish Word for underdog Spanish Word for understudy Spanish Word for trance Spanish Word for tergiversate Spanish Word for toxicomania Spanish Word for transliteration Spanish Word for tragic Spanish Word for tractor Spanish Word for undecidedInterested in travelling to a Spanish-speaking country? Re...
tense simply by added a-dor-edfor regular verbs. Thus the past tense of "walk" is "walked." Spanish, however, changes form depending on who performed the action:comí(I ate),comiste(singular you ate),comió(he or she ate),comemos(we ate),comisteis(plural you ate),comieron(they ate....
Joder: Similar to the English word "fuck," this word is versatile and can be used in various contexts. Cabron: This word means "bastard" or "asshole" and is often used as an insult. Puta: This word translates to "whore" but is often used more broadly as an expletive. ...
We argued with each other about the best place for a holiday. A mysterious legend has been handed down about this lake. Sorry, but it all came about so suddenly that I haven't got a handle on the situation yet. English word "sobre"(about) occurs in sets:Spanish...
china= anorange: shortened fromnaranja china, "Chineseorange," fromPortugueseChina, fromSanskritCīna(c.first century), probably from ChineseQín, Chinesedynasty(221-206B.C.). For theetymologicallyunrelated Spanish wordchina/chino, seehere.
I always root for the underdog. to take root/to put down roots the square root of x I ate a burdock root tempura. By averaging the squared difference between each value and the mean and finding the square root of the result, we can find the standard deviation. We must eradicate the ...
atolladero= amuddyplace,bog: fromatollar"to dirty to soil," froma-+tollo"mire, muddy place" (possibly from a Celtic word represented inOld Irishtoll"hole, pit,grave") + theverbalinfinitivesuffix-ar. bachiller= abachelor: fromOld Frenchbacheler"bachelor,youngman, younggentleman" (Modern Fren...