Spanish Word Frequency Counter这个网站可使用中文。显示中文版 Paste Spanish text here or Upload Spanish subtitles Frequency list Set the number of frequency intervalsPremium feature Highlight word frequency in real time while typingPremium feature Set custom color for each frequency intervalPremium...
Spanish Word for 10000 Spanish Word for adolescent Spanish Word for asshole Spanish Word for Spanish Word for congratulations Spanish Word for chance (by ~) Spanish Word for catInterested in travelling to a Spanish-speaking country? Read the travel blog below: Arrived...
(2006). Predicting English word reading skills for Spanish-speaking students in first grade. Topics in Language Disorders, 26, 338--350.Paez, M., & Rinaldi, C. (2006). Predicting English word reading skills for Spanish-speaking students in first grade. Topics in Language Disorders,...
arrow_drop_down 120 Million Word Spanish Corpus insert_drive_file spanishText_10000_15000 insert_drive_file spanishText_110000_115000 insert_drive_file spanishText_120000_125000 insert_drive_file spanishText_15000_20000 insert_drive_file spanishText_180000_185000 insert_drive_file spanishText_185000_...
When to use ser and when estar for “to be” When to use ser, estar (both “to be”) and tener (to have) Word stress Ya or todavía? ¿Yo or mí? ¿Tú or ti? Try Hotel Borbollón for free Need to improve your Spanish level? You can also learnmost frequently used words in...
This particular word (concept) is not an equivalent to the English idea of going out with somebody or having an appointment. That's called "una cita" en español. So don't come talkin' to me about any "fecha caliente" unless we're gonna go study EL TIEMPO of a particular era/date...
1.【答案】 A 【解析】 根据前一句“Corn is also called Indian corn or maize--from the Spanish word 'maiz'. (玉米也叫印第安玉米或玉米(来自西班牙语单 词'maiz'。 ) "以及后一句"C'orn was first grown in Merico about 10000 years ago. (玉米最早在 10000年前的墨西哥种植。 )“可知,本段是...
▪Frecuenciaderespuesta:100-10000Hz ▪Relaciónseñal/ruido:60dB ▪Sensibilidad(a1kHz):-54±3dB ▪Patróndecaptación:unidireccional ALCANCE ▪RangoinalámbricodeBluetooth:hasta10m/30ft REQUISITOSDELSISTEMA ▪PlayStation5/PlayStation4 ▪PC ▪DispositivosconcapacidaddeaudioBluetooth FORGAMERS...
学生利用下图所列装置进行“铁与水蒸气反应”的实验,并利用产物进一步制取FeCl3·6H2O晶体。(图中夹持及尾气处理装置均已略去) (1)回答下列问题:所用铁粉中若有杂质,欲除去不纯铁粉中混有的铝粉可以选用的试剂为___(填序号)。 A.稀盐酸 B.氢氧化钠溶液 C.浓硫酸 D. FeCl3溶液 此步涉...
Again, here’s the plot of the number of syllables per number for English. The longest word is seven hundred seventy seven thousand seven hundred seventy seven (20 syllables). Here is the equivalent plot for Spanish. It’s maximum is lower than English, the maximum is 19 syllables. 444,44...