a. to work La lavadora no camina.The washing machine doesn't work. transitive verb 3. (to travel on foot) a. to walk Cuanto más rápido sea tu ritmo, más rápido caminarás las cinco millas.The faster your pace, the faster you'll walk the five miles.Copyright...
the subject's action (examples: to walk, to jump, to eat, to listen), or the subject's condition (examples: to be, to live, to exist). Unlike English, verbs compose a rather tricky part of Spanish grammar, as the verb form changes with each subject and in each tense. Here we'll...
Andar (to walk) conjugation Spanish109 examples This verb can also have the following meanings: to be in a boyfriendgirlfriend relationship with someone, to move or spread from person to person, to go, to take out, amble, to go by, ride, to go about, to ride, to feel, to busy on...
a. to work La lavadora no camina.The washing machine doesn't work. transitive verb 3. (to travel on foot) a. to walk Cuanto más rápido sea tu ritmo, más rápido caminarás las cinco millas.The faster your pace, the faster you'll walk the five miles.Copyright...
The Spanish verbdecir, “to say” or “to tell,” is found in many essential and idiomatic expressions, including to talk for the sake of taking, to mean, and by the way. Learn these and dozens of other Spanish expressions featuringdecir. ...
Want a qualified Spanish teacher to walk you through verb forms? Try a free lesson with a Live Lingua online Spanish tutor. Try a 1-to-1 lesson free No credit card required Live Lingua Lessons Pricing Spanish Tutors Unlimited Spanish Classes Group Lessons Specialized Other languages Free ...
On this page, you’ll find links to more than 1,200 Spanish verbs conjugated into all the simple tenses and moods. If you’re a beginner, start with Top 12 Spanish Verbs or Introduction to Verb Conjugation. And if you know a conjugation but not the verb it belongs to, try this: Span...
Vestirse = to get dressed Irregular verbs - Click on the verbs for the conjugation of each verb Abolir = to abolish Abrir = to open Actuar = to act Adquirir = to acquire Advertir = to warn / to notice Almorzar = to have lunch Andar = to walk Aunar = to join together Avergonzar...
View verb table perambulate pasearse perambulatein the PONS Dictionary Translations forperambulatein the English»Spanish Dictionary perambulateVB User Entry perambulate(walk)old pasearserefl American English Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors) ...
Caminabapor el parque todos los días camino a casa.I would walk by the park every day on my way home. While the imperfect tense has the meaning of “I used to” implicitly, it can also be made more explicit with the verbsolerin the imperfect, which means that you usually tended to ...