Spanish Grammar Present Indicative Verb Tomar - to take Overview The verb tomar (conjugation) means "to drink" or "to take". See the conjugation in the present tense. yo tomo (I take) tú tomas (you take) Ud./él/ella toma (you/he/she takes) nosotros (as) tomamos (we take) ...
not word-for-word translation. The verb in the phrase "to take a walk" doesn't have the same meaning at all as the verb in the phrase "to take pity on," even though they're represented by the same word in English. So it shouldn't be surprising that the verbs used in Spanish are...
The most striking one is probably the verb coger, which means “to take” in Spain but “to have sex with” in Mexico! Although people in Mexico know the Spanish meaning of coger, it’s always startling to hear a Spaniard using it....
Translate take turns using machine translatorsRandom Word Roll the dice and learn a new word now!Get a Word Want to Learn Spanish? Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Translation The world’s largest Spanish dictionary Conjugation Conjugations for every Spanish verb Vocabulary Learn vocabulary ...
Instead of cutting off the last two letters like we’ve done on other conjugations, the future tense just adds characters onto the end of the verb. Here’s an example: Tomar (“to take” or “to drink”): Yo tomaré Tú tomarás ...
intransitive verb phrase 4. (to take control) a. tomar el poder When Fidel Castro took over, thousands of Cubans fled the island.Cuando Fidel Castro tomó el poder, miles de cubanos huyeron de la isla. b. hacerse cargo The director quit, but his successor doesn't want to take over...
I find it easier to express myself verbally rather than in writing. verballyadv(as a verb)(gramática)como verboloc adv The participle functions verbally in this sentence. 'verbally' aparece también en las siguientes entradas: In the English description: ...
This diachronic, corpus-based study examines Spanish constructions formed with the verbtomar'take' and nouns of 'emotion', including endogenous nouns with a target participant (e.g.cario'affection'), exogenous nouns with a source or cause participant (e.g.tristeza'sadness'), and hybrid nouns...
Free online dictionaries - Spanish, French, Italian, German and more. Conjugations, audio pronunciations and forums for your questions.
As can be seen in the list below, "take" has dozens of meanings — so it can't be translated with a single Spanish verb or even a handful of them. Although you always should translate to Spanish based on meaning rather than word-for-word, that's especially true with "take." Meanin...