English to Spanish Translator Nishaben Patel Diseñado para iPad Gratis Ofrece compras dentro de la app Capturas de pantalla iPad iPhone Descripción This App is your all-in-one solution for breaking language barriers. Whether you're traveling, working in a multicultural environment, or just curio...
submarinoAdd to list submarine Dictionaryel submarino ( soob - mah - ree - noh) masculine noun 1. (nautical) a. submarine El submarino detectó al enemigo con su sonar y disparó un misil.The submarine detected the enemy with its sonar and fired a missile....
3. (to ride) a. to take Tuve que tomar el tren para ir a trabajar.I had to take the train to go to work. 4. (to seize) a. to take El enemigo tomó la ciudad en un día.The enemy took the city in a day. 5. (to absorb) a. to get Sal y toma un poco de aire ...
To destroy the enemy, the army used the heavy artillery. Para acabar con el enemigo el ejercito utilizó artillería pesada. heavyadj(sea: very choppy)(náutica)grueso/aadj The boat sank in heavy seas. El barco se hundió en mar gruesa. ...
Play ENESENus Play ENESENuk Play ENESENau History Meanings of "blood" in Spanish English Dictionary : 37 result(s)CategoryEnglishSpanish 1 Common blood sangre [f] 2 General blood sanguíneo [adj] 3 General blood sangre [f] 4 General blood carnal [adj] 5 General blood sanguíneo [...
Spanish-Englishspanish-english Grammarspanish-english-grammar 1Alphabet and pronunciation Pronunciation of Spanish alphabet a[a]h[atʃe]ñ[eɲe]u[u] b[be]i[i]o[o]v[ube] c[θe]j[xota]p[pe]w[ube doble] d[de]k[ka]q[ku]x[ekis] ...
Play ENESENus Play ENESENuk Play ENESENau History Meanings of"dean"in Spanish English Dictionary : 8 result(s) CategoryEnglishSpanish 1Generaldeandeán[m] 2Generaldeandecano[m] 3Generaldeanrector[m] 4Generaldeandecana[f] 5Generaldeanrectora[f] ...
to ask preguntar my mi and y the name el nombre you tú he él she ella we nosotros/nosotras they ellos,ellas,usted the los,las,el,ella consonants consonantes vowels vocales a ahh b beh c say d deh e eh f efe g hay h ah-che i ee j hoh-tah k ca l ele m eme n ene o oh...
Narration - Episodio del Enemigo - Jorge Luis Borges Skip - TV Promo - Sophisticated, conversational, explainer Documentary English international - Walking Free Narration Spanish Voice Artist - Almuerzo y Dudas, Mario Benedetti Voice Acting English International - Mythological story - BBC ...
Narration - Episodio del Enemigo - Jorge Luis Borges Skip - TV Promo - Sophisticated, conversational, explainer Documentary English international - Walking Free Narration Spanish Voice Artist - Almuerzo y Dudas, Mario Benedetti Voice Acting English International - Mythological story - BBC ...