He made appearances in several well-known TV shows and films such as Two and a Half Men and Once Upon a Time in Mexico. Moreover, he is actively involved in numerous charities including "Save the Children" and "City of Hope". Despite his fame, Iglesias has remained grounded, attributing...
While intended to provide a unifying element to far-f lung kingdoms separated in space and time, it glossed over religious wars in its European territories and essential religious divisions at home. Evangelical polemicists, picking up on earlier Italian insults, taunted Spaniards for their ‘...
If there would be a need to spell the full name in English the first time the acronym appears in order to make it clear to the reader, spell the full name in Spanish in normal font followed in parentheses by the acronym and its full spelling in English in italics. Example: en-US ...
Additionally, this study is unique in that it compares the perceptions of two types of teachers: ‘regular teachers’ 1 and specialist teachers who are very complementary in their functions and at the same time unique in their training. As theoretical framework for this study, we explored three...
There were no differences in prolonged hospitalization (>7days), with adjusted OR of 1.16 (0.94–1.43) and 1.15 (0.94–1.42) depending on whether time spent in the ED was or was not taken into consideration. No increased risk of in-hospital mortality or prolonged hospitalization was found in...
If you look at texts 30 years ago you would never findLA arquitectA, it would have beenLA arquitectO. But that has changed with time, and thus we end up with rules that are blurry which do not help when those starting to learn Spanish. But that is also the beauty of a language, and...
At the same time, however, alternative narratives permeate these thematic areas, calling those stereotypes into question and opening up an intermediate space where they can be analyzed in all their complexity. The five axes around which the analysis revolves were age (youth/beauty-aging/decline); ...
Why indeed. The truth is that those in Australia or elsewhere who question the propriety and wisdom of the CNRT's decision, display a profound ignorance of East Timorese ethnology and culture. If we are to be good and respectful neighbours to East Timor, it's time for a bit of re-educa...
I take the position that, while lexicalist predictions prove to be empirically adequate most of the time in a language like Spanish, they fail to establish a clear-cut distinction between complex words and phrases, and thus I consider that they should be seen as the result of the ...
The short version was used in this study, which provides information on the time spent on walking, moderate-intensity activities, vigorous-intensity activities and sedentary activities. Regarding the psychometric properties, the short IPAQ has shown about 0.65 reliability and adequate validity, having a...