Mi viejo/aMy old man/ladyAn endearing term for a spouseme vieho Mami/PapiMommy/DaddyIn Caribbean nations, these terms refer to an attractive man or woman. They do not have this use in other countries.mamee/papee Mi corazónMy heart/sweetheartThis would be appropriate in a more serious rom...
The older woman smiled at the properterm of address. La mujer mayor sonrió ante el correctomodo de hablar. The common Tibetan word for teacher, gegen (dge-rgan), often used in its abbreviated form gen (rgan) as a familiarterm of address, in fact means a spiritual elder. ...
Alcoholism or substance abuse, for instance the Spanish Fly. Diabetes or other severe diseases. Post-baby ‘coolness’, a term invented to describe the loss of sexuality drive that often occurs after a woman has given birth. It is almost certainly related to hormonal changes, but may also co...
“Panocha” is a slang term for a woman’s private parts. It’s a vulgar expression that is not suitable for polite conversation or formal settings. Cochino “Cochino” is a term used to describe something as dirty, filthy, or unclean. It can also be used as a playful term to refer...
You could also use borough for this, but that is such a New York City specific term for large divisions inside a city that I think district is a more global English rendition. You could also keep it ascomunaand just add the definition of district the first one or two times it comes up...
1. bicha: In the Dominican Republic is a term of endearment for little girl. 2. botija: Uruguay. The same word can be used also for boy, young boy or son. 3. cabra: Costa Rica 4. chama:Used in Venezuela and Nicaragua for young girl. You might also hear the diminutivechamita. ...
Dona - a Spanish courtesy title or form of address for a woman; "Dona Marguerita" Senor - a Spanish title or form of address for a man; similar to the English `Mr' or `sir' Senora - a Spanish title or form of address for a married woman; similar to the English `Mrs' or `madam...
hello, pretty woman hello, senorita hello, sexy hello, sexy lady hello, sexy man hello, sir hello, sister hello, spring hello, stalker hello, summer hello, sunshine hello, sweetheart hello, sweetie hello, teacher hello, weekend hello, welcome to hello, world hellscape helluva helly helm helmet...
its literal translation to English is mannered. Term for a man who shows manner or/and gait of woman. Is euphemism for effeminate man that can also suggest homosexuality. + Amapolo term used to refer to the homosexual man both in Spain and in Latin America. Although it is not a well-kn...
The Weeping Woman The White Cloacks The White Devil The Witcher The Wizard of Oz The World Cup is the most popular sporting event in the world. The Wounded Deer The baby is sleeping. The ball is in your court. The blue shirt is better than the green shirt. The body achieves what the...