Ourteamspecialises inSpanish tax residency,non-resident taxation, and global mobility, ensuring a smooth transition to life in Spain. We also handleSpanish tax investigations,accounting,inheritance tax planning, wills, and probatefor UK-domiciled individuals. Property owners can rely on us for advice ...
Gravamen especial sobre bienes inmuebles de entidades no residentes.This is a special tax on non-residents’ property that you’ll pay in January. The rate is 3% of your property’s land-registry value. Impuesto sobre la renta de no residentes,or non-resident income tax. This takes 19% of...
No matter whether you’re preparing for a future investment or looking to secure a holiday home, most non-residents will require a mortgage to purchase a Spanish property. The percentage of the property value (before tax) that the bank will finance is known as loan-to-value (LTV) and all...
Property in Spain is a minefield without insight. Spanish Property Insight gives you the information you need to make informed decisions.
Non-residents inheritance tax rate 6. Check list for a British to inherit Spanish property It is also necessary to perform a property valuation, as the real value of the inherited property should reflect the market situation. Otherwise, you can get a recalculation and a fine from the Spanish ...
Spanish Resident Visa How Siam Legal can assist you with translation and legalization? When applying for a service at the Embassy, whether it’s related to legal or immigration matters, all documents must either be in English or Spanish. If any are in a different language such as Thai, they...
once approved we will sell our UK house, move to Spain and rent a property, apply for residency and buy a Spanish property. I read that we have 3 months to apply for residency in Spain once we get our visas. If that’s so, at what stage do we become liable for capital gains tax...
Property Taxes and Assessment Year 2023 Tax $1,111 Assessment $320,800 Home facts updated by county records Price Trends For homes in 36527 *Based on the Trulia Estimate $384,013 Median home value This home: $519,000 26% above* Price trends provided by third party data sources....
Spanish Obligor means an Obligor which is tax resident in Spain. Sample 1 Based on 1 documents SaveCopy Spanish Obligor means an Obligor incorporated in Spain;“Spanish Opco” means Avis Alquile un Coche S.A.; Sample 1 Based on 1 documents SaveCopy ...
Below is a small list of the items we can help you with. Our most commonly viewed ones are: 90 Day Rule Non-Resident Tax, model 210 Exchanging Green Residencia for TIE Inheritance Tax Driving in Spain after BREXIT