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Speaking Exam Preparation If you mostly need to get familiar with the speaking exam and gain confidence through practice, this option is ideal for you. Join a group session on zoom and let's start speaking Spanish! And do not worry, everyone is in the same boat, so I will give you step...
Practice online for the DELE with GlobalExam, a leader in preparing language exams. 88% success rate with 30 days of practice.
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II. Speaking (40%) Responding to natural conversational speech Communicating actively in the interpersonal mode in formal and informal conversations Negotiating meaning to sustain an interaction Communicating orally in the presentational mode by delivering presentations about familiar literary or cultural topic...
4. Presentational Speaking 1 question Delivering a coherent and effective spoken response to a prompt Addressing problems and supporting ideas and opinions Effectively expressing ideas in English Maintaining a flow of speech Maintaining intelligible and clear pronunciation and intonation 5. Pedagogical Cont...
Part 1: Spanish CLEP Practice Tests We offerthree120-question practice tests designed to simulate the actual exams. Each Spanish CLEP Practice Test is timed and broken down into three sections (two audio sections and one reading section), just like the real CLEP exam. If you have any backgro...
The classes were extremely helpful and I learned a lot. The faculty was very experienced and knowledgeable. They provided me with the right guidance and tips. The classes were interactive and I was able to practice my English speaking skills confidently. Additionally, they provided me with the ...
WrittenExpressionandSpeaking Youaregivenatotalof1hourand20minutestodoSectionIIofthepracticeexam(7minutes fortheParagraphCompletionwithRootWords,8minutesfortheParagraphCompletion withoutRootWords10minutesfortheInformalWriting.55minutesfortheessay,and20 minutesforthetwospeakingportions).SectionIIisworth50percentoftheex...
I’m enrolled in a course orabout to take an official Spanish examand looking for extra support to help improve my test scores and overall fluency. I know that practice makes perfect and having supplemental resources to find my fluency is important to me. ...