3.Cabo Bob’s Definitive Mexican Slang 101 by Cabo Bob This ebook is not organized like a dictionary, instead, it presents lists of words and definitions grouped by different topics such as greetings, words for cool, sex, drugs, friends and more. Check out these otherMexican Spanish Slang D...
Gringo, Chavo, Cruda, Neta_ 35 basic Mexican slang words, explained! _ Spanish W 66 -- 9:37 App 【西语英西字幕】澳大利亚人周日吃这个! 🇦🇺 _ Spanish with Juan 22 62 -- 14:19 App Español en contexto _ Spanish in context 148 -- 8:17 App 【西语】Guy Speaks AMAZING Spanish ...
Spanish Slang Insults These Spanish slang insults are funny ways to poke fun at your friends. But be careful not to use them with the wrong people, because they’re really not nice things to say. These are just for fun! Spanish Slang InsultsMeaningCountry BoludoCommonly used as a friendly ...
播放 learn how to use common slang terms in Mexico 单集网页 信息 节目 Learn Spanish | SpanishPod101.com 频率 一日一更 发布时间 2025年2月6日 UTC 09:30 长度 5 分钟 分级 儿童适宜
8 Mexican Spanish Slang Words for Places and People 1. boludo:any Argentine 2. chilango:someone from Mexico City 3. Chilangolandia:Mexico City. Example:Chilangolandiaes la tierra de los chilangos. 4. chinolas:people from Sinaloa. Example:Mi nueva novia eschinola. ...
Mexican SpanishOye, güey, ¿ya viste la nueva película? Hey, dude, have you seen the new movie?Spain SpanishTío, tienes que probar este juego nuevo. Dude, you have to try this new game.Chela vs. CañaChela is casual Mexican slang for a beer, usually bottled. Caña in Spain ...
Mexican slang wordPronunciationEnglish meaning ChelaChe-laBeer FresaFray-saPreppy AguasAh-goo-asWatch out CrudoCroo-dohHungover ¡A huevo!Ah weh-vohHell yeah! ChilangoChee-lan-goSomeone from Mexico City MeticheMuh-tee-cheNosey No manchesNo man-chessNo way ...
Welcome to the fun side of Mexico, with a list of creative Mexican slang words and phrases that will help you have enjoyable conversations.
gone off the reservation (Slang) Good-looking (Argentine Girls Slang) goodbye (Madrid slang) Guardadito (slang for savings) guay/guey (Mexican slang) Hacer el amor (slang) hacerse hombre/mujer (slang) Hack (n.) Slang/writer/comedian
Pagó 500 pavos por ese reloj.(He paid $500 for that watch.) 8.Lana Where it’s used:Mainly Mexico,Panamaand Peru Lana(wool) is a word you might have heard while watching aMexicantelenovela, since it’s one of the terms they use to refer to money. ...