Creo que es la persona adecuada para ello. She is the person who ultimately has responsibility. Al fin y al cabo, la responsabilidad de esta cuestión recae en la Comisaria encargada de las cuestiones de pesca. [ view all sentence pairs ] More Spanish - English Translations Spanish ...
As a rule, the article or adjective used must agree in terms of gender with the noun of the sentence. For example: Articles like el (singular) and los (plural) meaning "the" are used with masculine nouns. The articles un (singular) and unos (plural) meaning "a" are also used with...
Sentence pairs containing okay translated in English and Spanish. Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you to learn faster by listening to native Spanish speakers.
Words for taking actionVerbs are the action of the sentence, like correr (to run). These are some of the most helpful and common Spanish verbs to express action, but the more action verbs in Spanish you’re able to use, the more dynamic your conversations will be. ...
The subject pronoun reveals who or what the agent or actor is in a sentence. The conjugated verb must agree with this subject. The Spanish regular verb endings are given below. Use the verb-ending chart to match with the preceding chart for subject pronouns. ...
la tercera persona ( tehr - seh - rah pehr - soh - nah) feminine noun 1. (grammar) a. third person En la frase "Él es alto" el verbo concuerda con el sujeto y está en tercera persona.In the sentence "He is tall" the verb agrees with the subject and it's in the third...
When referring to animals with personal names (such as pets), you should use adjectives whose gender matches the given name of the animal when using that name as the subject of a sentence: Pablo, la jirafa más alta del zoo, está enfermo.(Pablo, the zoo's tallest giraffe, is sick.)...
The personal a is a preposition that we use when the direct object of a sentence is a person or animal, more specifically a pet. In other words, the personal a is how we indicate who is receiving the action of a verb. 6 ways to use the personal a ...
The subject pronoun reveals who or what the agent or actor is in a sentence. The conjugated verb must agree with this subject. The Spanish regular verb endings are given below. Use the verb-ending chart to match with the preceding chart for subject pronouns. This way of doing the conjugatio...
A sarcastic sentence- English Only forum Alan can be very sarcastic.- English Only forum An almost sarcastic way to say 'it's obvious!'- English Only forum more... Visit the Spanish-English Forum. Help WordReference: Ask in the forums yourself. ...