Below you'll find instructions for forming regular verbs in the present tense, including the endings you need to know for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. Verbs that End in -ar To conjugate an -ar verb, remove the infinitive ending (-ar) and add the ending that matches the subject. You ...
SPANISH PRESENT TENSE: VERBS ENDING IN -AR The root for SALTAR is "salt-" and the root for AMAR is "am-". See how the endings change: Subject -AR verb endings SALTAR (to jump) AMAR (to love) yo (I) -o salto (I jump) amo (I love) tú (you) -as saltas (you jump...
Spanish Grammar Present Indicative Regular -er Verbs Overview Let's consider the present tense of a regular (er) verb. The verb meaning (must, should, ought to) in Spanish is deber.Take off the -er ending: deber - er = debNow we add on one of the present tense endings: ...
the verb is present tense If you were to hear this sentence in a story, like if someone was describing what was happening, you can use this information to understand who the subject is—all from paying attention to the ending oncanta. Spanish verb endings, from helpful to vague In Spanish...
Here is our latest chart showing how to conjugate (= change the form of) regular Spanish verbs in the Present Tense: Notice how the ending of the verb changes for each subject. Read our explanation of how to conjugate Spanish verbs in the Present Tense (including some of the irregular ...
The Spanish present perfect tense is used to describe actions that happened in the past but affect the present. For example: “I have lost my wallet.” This simple sentence tells us that I lost my wallet in the past, but I still don’t have it—thus, it affects the present. ...
Present progressive tense in Spanish is only used for describing actions that someone is currently actively doing. Learn more about its application...
The present subjunctive of verbs ending in -gar. The present subjunctive: valer and salir The present tense of regular verbs ending in -er and -ir The present tense of verbs ending in -ger or -gir The pretérito indefinido of regular verbs ending in -er and -ir ...
Theperfect tense(pretérito perfecto)and thepreteritetense(pretérito indefinido)are both used for completed actions in Spanish. However, the perfect tense refers to a period of time that lasts until the present, while the preterite refers to an action that took place longer ago. ...
Using -Er Verbs in Present Tense Spanish Verbsare action words that change slightly depending on who is doing the action. In Spanish, the last two letters of aninfinitiveverb, or non-conjugated verb, tell us which ending to replace the-erwith to match thesubjectof the verb, or the person...