Efectivos are military forces or (police) officers. Effective = eficaz. Elevador vs Elevator Elevador means elevator only in Mexico, though un elevador de granos is a grain elevator anywhere. Elevator = un ascensor. Embarazada vs Embarrassed Embarazada means pregnant. It can also be a noun:...
police –policía emergency medical technician –técnico de emergencias médicas fire –fuego fireman –bombero fire marshall –jefe de bomberos officer –oficial nurse –enfermera doctor –médico ambulance –ambulancia hospital –hospital evacuation –evacuación ...
On 25 December 2013, Dahar files a complaint with Station House Officer of Badah police station, Shah Jahan Jhakrani about threats he had been receiving because of his work. El 25 de diciembre de 2013, Dahar presenta una queja ante el oficial encargado de la estación de policía de Badah...
Being that the author works for the Phoenix Police Department, the majority of Spanish speakers there are from Mexico. This book was written using the author's experience in talking to Spanish speaking subjects living in or visiting Phoenix. The author is not a Spanish professor but wrote this...
law enforcement officer (police) let go (fired) migrant pushback (collective expulsion; refoulement) morally flexible (corrupt) person of interest (suspect) protective custody (detention without charge) questioning by the police (interrogation)
He is in prison for assault on a police officer. El está en prisión por agresión a un policía. It is more than a mistake: it is an assault on the stability of the financial system; it is an assault on reason. Es más que un error: es un ataque a la estabilidad del sistema...
Police officer to take Spanish course; Gap: Department seeks better communication with Dubuque immigrantsKYLIE GREENE
Word Roots Hover on a tile to learn new words with the same root. military las fuerzas armadas -ary belonging to, a relation to Examples Examples have not been reviewed. militar (41K) militares (32K) ejército (4072) armadas (1859) The police is like a military occupation in our ...
SHOStation House Officer(police) SHOSenior House Officer SHOSamenwerkende Hulporganisaties(Dutch: Cooperating Aid Organizations) SHOState Health Officer SHOSuper High Output SHOSenior Housing Option(Colorado) SHOSenior Health Officer(various locations) ...
She is a police officer. Ella es oficial de policía. be vi (condition: age) (edad) tener⇒ vtr Robert is ten years old. Robert tiene diez años. be v aux (with present participle: continuous) estar [+ gerundio] loc verb Teresa is eating her dinner at the moment. Teresa está ...