List and Quizzes. 1000 Most Used Spanish Wordswith English translation and quizzes. Source -1001 Most Useful Spanish Words (Beginners' Guides)- Essential learning aid includes definitions of common Spanish words arranged by such categories as foods, travel, clothing, numbers, days of the week,...
You are viewing lesson 3 in chapter 1 of the course: Spanish Flashcards 10 chapters | 53 lessons | 53 flashcard sets Ch 1. Spanish Numbers Flashcards Spanish Numbers Flashcards (1-100) Spanish Numbers Flashcards (100-1000) Ordinal Numbers in Spanish List & Flashcards Ch 2. ...
Spanish Speaking Countries List and Flashcards Spanish Numbers Flashcards (1-100) Studying with Flashcards Whether you happen to have a quiz on basic Spanish coming up or you plan to engage in conversation with a Spanish-speaking person, or you are even planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking...
Unoand numbers ending in-unoare shortened tounwhen they immediately precede a masculine noun. When standing alone (that is, being 100 exactly)cientois shortened tocienbefore preceding a noun of either gender; the longer form is used within longer numbers (except when precedingmil). Read More H...
01007 Spanish Lesson - Numbers 0-100 上传者:aidonal 02:50 01008 Spanish Lesson - Days of the Week. 上传者:aidonal 04:49 01009 Spanish Lesson - Months 上传者:aidonal 03:24 01010 Spanish Lesson - Me gusta (part 1) 上传者:aidonal ...
Learn numbers and counting in Spanish. List of words with audio (castellano) and online language arts game for kids and adults. Ordinal/cardinal numbers
Play the Spanish numbers1-12 game to kick-off your Spanish studies, then continue on with the Spanish numbers 13-20 game which also includes 1-12 and provides the additional numbers up to 20. With the Spanish numbers 0-100 game, you will learn multiples of 10 up to 100. Arithmetic ...
06 The Verb Estar And Numbers Over 100 45:51 07 Regular -er And -ir Verbs In The Present 45:24 08 The Verb Ir In The Present 39:48 09 Expressing Time In Spanish 45:24 10 Expressions Using The Verb Tener 38:10 11 Verbs Like Hacer And Interrogative Words 41:43 12 The Verbs Saber...
Learn How to Write the Spanish Numbers Here is a list of the Spanish numbers and how they are written out. Knowing the numbers in Spanish will undoubtedly help you in your travels and everyday speech and writing. Without further adieu… 0 cero 1 uno 2 dos 3 tres 4 cuatro 5 cinco (mor...
Spanish Numbers 1-100 Dots and Boxes $0.95Original Price $0.95 Spanish Interrogatives Dots and Boxes $0.95Original Price $0.95 Spanish Present Tense Regular ER and IR Dots and Boxes $0.95Original Price $0.95 Spanish Future Tense Dots and Boxes $0.95Original Price $0.95 Spanish Condiments Listening...