Spanish Numbers 100 to 1000 NumberSpanish (with Audio) 40 Cuarenta 50 Cincuenta 60 Sesenta 70 Setenta 80 Ochenta 90 Noventa 100 Cien Note: Cien is only used to say 100 even—anything above that and we’ll use ciento. There’s also no y used with these larger numbers because ...
Spanish numbers from 100–1,000If you already know the Spanish numbers from 1 to 100, then counting to a 1,000 will be a breeze. Counting beyond 100 is very easy, all you have to learn is the hundreds and then add a number you already know. We’ll show you how to do that next,...
Spanish numbers 1-100,000 儲存 2.8 (14則評論) 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 建立者 eonorato14 增進你的西班牙語技能 查看免費西班牙語課程、精選單詞卡學習集和深入詳盡的資源,來練習及提高你的語文流利度。 學習西班牙語 學生們也學習了 Avancemos: Cuaderno Práctica Por Niveles 1 (Revised)...
1: uno(oo-no) 2: dos(dose) 3:tres(trace) 4:cuatro(kwat-ro) 5:cinco(sink-o) 6:seis(saze) 7:siete(see-yet-eh) 8: ocho(och-o) 9: nueve(new-eh-veh) 10: diez(dee-ace) 11: once(ohn-say) 12: doce(dos-say) 13: trece(treh-seh) 14: catorce(ca-TOR-say) 15: quince(...
Cardinal Numbers0,1-1010-2020-100100-1000 Ordinal Numbers1-1011-2020-100 ColorsColors 1Colors 2 Days Month SeasonsDaysMonthsSeasons WeatherWinterSummer TimeTime DurationExpressions of TimeExpressions IITelling TimeTelling Time II This That, Here ThereThis That (masculine)This That (feminine)This That...
In this post, you will learn the numbers in Spanish 1 – 1000 and more! Why thenumbers? Well, as you know, numbers are a massive part of our lives, no matter what language you speak. We use numbers to describe quantity, dates, time, prices, cloth or shoe size, temperatures, address...
Numbers from 31 to 99. Obligation in the conditional Ordinal numbers from 1 to 10 Ordinal numbers from 100 to 1000 Ordinal numbers from 11 to 20 Parecerse vs parecer: to look like and to seem Past participles: hacer, decir, satisfacer ...
We provide US, UK, Australian, Canadian, French and German contact numbers for websites that have valid phone numbers. Company Names Valid corporate entity names for websites where they've provided the information on their website. Verticals & Keywords Break down your list by set verticals like...
Spanish lesson - numbers 0-100Jeremy Jordan
Numbers in Spanish: learn to count from 1 to 100 We use numbers in practically every situation you can think of and numbers in Spanish are no exception–from getting two coffees to meeting someone at 9. Two facts make numbers in Spanish easy to learn: you already know more than you ...