Spanish numbers 1-100,000 儲存 2.8 (14則評論) 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 建立者 eonorato14 增進你的西班牙語技能 查看免費西班牙語課程、精選單詞卡學習集和深入詳盡的資源,來練習及提高你的語文流利度。 學習西班牙語 學生們也學習了 Avancemos: Cuaderno Práctica Por Niveles 1 (Revised)...
1: uno(oo-no) 2: dos(dose) 3:tres(trace) 4:cuatro(kwat-ro) 5:cinco(sink-o) 6:seis(saze) 7:siete(see-yet-eh) 8: ocho(och-o) 9: nueve(new-eh-veh) 10: diez(dee-ace) 11: once(ohn-say) 12: doce(dos-say) 13: trece(treh-seh) 14: catorce(ca-TOR-say) 15: quince(...
List and Quizzes. 1000 Most Used Spanish Wordswith English translation and quizzes. Source -1001 Most Useful Spanish Words (Beginners' Guides)- Essential learning aid includes definitions of common Spanish words arranged by such categories as foods, travel, clothing, numbers, days of the week,...
Spanish Numbers 1 to 10 Spanish Numbers 11 to 30 Spanish Numbers 40 to 100 Spanish Numbers 100 to 1000 Spanish Numbers 1,000 and Beyond Thousands Millions Billions Spanish Numbers in Sequences or Orders Spanish Numbers Practice Quiz: Test Yourself! And One More Thing… ...
Il micio con stivali" (cap. 1-4) 老師27個詞語 signoramarrero 預覽 Expresate 1 Chapter 3 part 1 Gibson 老師41個詞語 Shelly_Gibson 預覽 Blackjack Basic Strategy 280個詞語 NeverSayDie 預覽 spanish quiz 5個詞語 Clairelovesmonkeys 預覽 Senderos 1 - Leccion 5 老師113個詞語 linathorpe 預覽 Tarea...
Cardinal numbers: 1, 2, 3, etc. (one, two, three, etc.) Números cardinales: 1, 2, 3, etc. (uno, dos, tres, etc.) Translate the ordinal number into Spanish: first. Spanish translation offirst: primero. Translate the ordinal number into Spanish: ...
11 chapters | 166 quizzes Ch 1. Music for Elementary School Ch 2. Culture for Elementary School Ch 3. Being Responsible for Elementary... Ch 4. Spanish for Elementary School Current Lesson Numbers in Spanish: Lesson for Kids Numbers in Spanish: Lesson for Kids Quiz Ch 5. Musicians ...
Spanish Numbers Quiz #12 Printout: Match the powers of 10 in Spanish Little Explorers Picture Dictionary (English/Spanish).
As with any other language, the introductory lessons include learning the numbers and how to count in Spanish. Learning how to count in Spanish is a crucial but very easy and quick task to learn. You want to start with the first 10 numbers to make your journey simple and take it step-...
Numbers 1 to 30 老師43個詞語 Amy_Evers5 預覽 spanish ar verbs 41個詞語 Nicholas_Ustun 預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 用學習模式學習 Él/Ella/Usted se llama... 選擇正確的詞語 1 What Estar deals with 2 his/her/your(formal) name is... 3 Twenty Two 4 Diego Velasquez 不知道嗎...