Spanish numbers from 100–1,000If you already know the Spanish numbers from 1 to 100, then counting to a 1,000 will be a breeze. Counting beyond 100 is very easy, all you have to learn is the hundreds and then add a number you already know. We’ll show you how to do that next,...
Let’s start with zero even though the title says 1 through 10. It is a number after all. 0zero –cero 1one –uno (if used to describe quantity or used as an article, it becomes “un” for masculine noun and “una” for feminine noun. For example, a cat – un gato; a house ...
1000 Mil 100000 Cien mil 1000000 Un millón 1 Billion Un billón 1 Thousand million (a billion in the U.S. system) Mil millones Another word for a billion in the U.S. system Un millardo Thousands Beyond one thousand, you use the appropriate number to signify how many thousands...
Numbers from 31 to 99. Obligation in the conditional Ordinal numbers from 1 to 10 Ordinal numbers from 100 to 1000 Ordinal numbers from 11 to 20 Parecerse vs parecer: to look like and to seem Past participles: hacer, decir, satisfacer ...
number fondo bottom, end camino road, route, path voz voice estudio study, learning valor value, worth medida measure; a medida que: to the extent centro center, middle, downtown necesidad necessity, need condición condition falta lack, shortage ...
The probability of missing one PC in the general population was estimated in terms of number of men necessary to screen (NNS). Calculations were made adjusting for PSA levels. Results: PSA-testing rate in the general population was 21.6/1000 person-years. In the age-group 55–69 years, ...
Along with Mateo and Angel, otherSpanish boy names in the US Top 1000include Leonardo, Diego, Luis, Antonio, Miguel, Gael, Alejandro, and Lorenzo. Other Hispanic baby boy names include the dashing celebrity-influenced Joaquin along with Nameberry's Number 1 Arlo, which counts Spanish and Basqu...
They have lectured widely, curated a number of exhibitions and written numerous articles and books on design and designers, including TASCHEN's Charles Rennie Mackintosh, William Morris, Design of the 20th Century, and Industrial Design A-Z. They also edited the six-volume Decorative Arts series...
Being this the first Olympic medal won by Spain in fencing, and becoming the Olympic medal number 100 (99 according to the IOC) in the history of Spain, regarding Winter and Summer Olympics. In 2013 he was inducted in the Hall of Fame of the International Fencing Federation. Olympic ...
The average number of pregnancies per woman is two in industrialized countries. If every user adds twenty sentences per day on Tatoeba, maybe it would be possible to reach one million sentences by Christmas. The mortality rate per 1000 live births are set out in figure 13.1. Distance per degr...