28 November 2024 The wordcartameans paper in Italian, but letter in Spanish. It has other meanings, and this post finds out more. Carta[ˈkar.ta] in Italian means such things as: paperorcharter, e.g. un foglio di carta (a sheet of paper), carta igienica (toilet paper), carta da...
As more paper money came into use, the value fell. He told me his address, but unfortunately I had no paper to write it down on. English word "papel"(paper) occurs in sets: Materials, sound and their properties Firework (Katy Perry) - Traducida ...
toilet brush toilet paper toilet plunger toilet seat toiletry toilette toke token tokenism told you tolerable tolerance tolerant tolerate toleration toll toll road toll-free tollbooth tollway tom tom-tom tomahawk tomato tomato juice tomato paste tomato salad tomato sauce tomato slice tomato soup tomb to...
AUSTERITY: Now Spanish Schools Are Rationing Toilet PaperHugh O'Connell
Affirmative imperativeconjugation ofroll.There are other translations for this conjugation. See all conjugations of roll el rollo rodar roll( rol ) Copyright © 2025 Curiosity Media Inc. Examples have not been reviewed. More examples Machine Translators ...
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Arturo commented that he had no problem in using the boys’ toilet if the doors had locks to give him privacy. However, they discouraged him when they realized there were no locks in the boys’ toilets: “Then they told me that, for reasons of hygiene the girls’ bathrooms were cleaner ...
Importantly, the results of this paper suggest no remarkable differences between Catalan and Spanish in terms of the possible predictions of a prominence-based hypothesis regarding coda production. By contrast, a distribu- tional frequency-based hypothesis predicts differences in the acquisition of coda...
We recommend that you take toilet paper with you everywhere while traveling in Peru. While some touristic locations have toilet paper in their bathrooms, many do not. Please bring your own toilet paper or you may find yourself in an awkward situation.Important...
Although no previous report on the web-based form of the BI was found, the internal consistency of this version is in line with other studies that evaluated remote versions of the scale by telephone interview [47,48]. It was also similar to that obtained for the conventional form of the ...