On this page, you’ll find links to more than 1,200 Spanish verbs conjugated into all the simple tenses and moods. If you’re a beginner, start with Top 12 Spanish Verbs or Introduction to Verb Conjugation. And if you know a conjugation but not the verb it belongs to, try this: Span...
(2 animate, /3e3/exllxi//ein,en,mamtatnhhpnApieelimslimifiiiffannoieatedddtrede)ete)i,hffin,iianeannnTnsTiiadtttdaerebubmlmoeocleannta3unee3n.ri.ipehphuomoul/laa/autustece//dduaaltntihnnhdedeeoctothrlhridetdeieceruu,rnwonofggfertrthoaahnmemelcymmclliiiatantititccciiclcsusaattldrlruuen...