A. The lunch time. B. The dinner time. C. The breakfast time. D. The socialising time.16. Which of the following may be the British style? A. People are polite to each other. B. Many people have meals outside. C. People enjoy waiting for a long time. D. There are few people...
When we stayed here voting, you went away for lunch. Mientras nos quedábamos aquí votando, usted se fue a comer. In my case, as a Buddhist monk, after lunch I have no more meals. En mi caso, como monje budista, ya no como nada después del almuerzo. We had a lunch just ...
Rice and fish are the basis for many of the meals.36. Spanish students often finish lunches with fruit and yogurt.37. Students in Singapore have lunch in cooking shops.38. Finnish schools serve both traditional food and western food on Thursdays.39. French students often have unhealthy food ...
While there are of course many people who eat full meals, the Spanish dinner (cena) is traditionally much smaller than the midday comida. It often consisting of something lighter like a salad, a sandwich, or a selection of tapas. Spaniards eat late for this final meal of the day- even ...
It's a time for lunch- English Only forum Lunch - Dinner - Dinner-time- English Only forum Lunch time -shortened to Lunch?- English Only forum lunch-time- English Only forum Meals: What time is lunch?- English Only forum My favorite meal is <pasta><lunch> [meal: time/food]- English...
Meals in Spanish: Here there is some useful vocabulary to help you while ordering food. For example:'menú del día' (menu of the day),'primer plato' (first dish),'segundo plato' (second dish),'postre' (desert),'bebidas' (drinks), and'la cuenta' (the bill). ...
I didn't realize how difficult it would be to adapt to the Spanish day and the timings of meals. Spanish "midday" is at 14: 00.meaning lunch is never before then. My expectation was that I would be eating lunch at 12:00-13:00,but most days it's 15: 30 before I eat lunch. ...
Before I arrived I thought I would be able to adapt to Spanish culturevery easily, but my previous expectations havebeen very different from the reality of Spanish life.Firstly, I didn't realize how difficult it would be to adapt to the Spanish day and the timings of meals. Spanish "...
You’ve learned about the culture of food and all the meals of the day, so now it’s time to start speaking about it in Spanish.Breakfast Foods in SpanishBreakfast: Desayuno Bread: Pan Butter: Mantequilla Sweet rolls: Bollos Pastry: Pastelería Coffee: Café With: con Without: sin Milk: ...
The tradition of having tapas before meals is one of the most important Spanish contributions to the world of gastronomy. A tapa is a small, light mini-serving of a traditional recipe that Spaniards have either before lunch or dinner, always with a glass of wine or beer. The tapas tradition...