the word persona meaning "person" is a female word; however, anyone can be a persona including males. For example, persona is always feminine with the phrase mi amigo es una persona meaning "my male friend is a person." Masculine Nouns in Spanish Masculine nouns in Spanish usually end ...
All Spanish nouns (sustantivos ), including people, places, animals, things, ideas, and feelings, have a gender (male or female). The fact that inanimate objects have a gender in Spanish does not mean that things like tables and books are physically feminine or masculine. They have genders...
Like most nouns, the names for nearly all animals areeither masculine or feminine. For example, the word for giraffe,jirafais feminine, and it can be used when referring to any giraffe, whether male or female. Similarly,rinoceronteis masculine, and it can be used to refer to rhinoceroses ...
as inel dentistafor the male dentist andla dentistafor the female dentist. And there are some nouns whosemeanings vary with gender., such asel cometa(comet) andla cometa(kite). However, there are also words that, for whatever reason, haven...
1 - Nouns Have Gender - Masculine And Feminine English doesn't have a concept of noun gender but Spanish is one of the languages that do. Just as there are male and female people there are actually male and female nouns in Spanish. Spanish nouns usually have a different ending letter to...
Understanding Spanish Nouns: Is it a boy or a girl? The concept of gender can feel confusing for new students of Latin languages. Having a gender does not mean that nouns actually refer to male or female things, although, in most circumstances, the nouns that refer to males (such as a ...
Page 5 of 54 Gender bias Regardless of whether the localized product is targeted at individual consumers, businesses, or internet audiences, the sensitivity of users to male and female stereotypes should be recognized by writers and localizers. Instead of stressing gender differences or reinforcing ...
To begin, nouns that refer to male beings (man, male dog, paperboy, etc.) are logically masculine and are preceded by masculine pronouns. Following suit, female beings (woman, tigress, girl, etc.) feminine and are therefore preceded by feminine pronouns (la, las, una, unas). Spanish ...
Governor Newsom discovered the Spanish language's use of gendered terminology when attempting to learn how to accuse his housekeeper of stealing his Airpods."I was absolutely sickened to discover that the entire language is built around words being gendered as either male or female,"said M...
(7) When using plural subject pronouns which are a mix of male and female, you have to use the male pronouns nosotros, vosotros, ellos Personal-direct object pronouns If it is clear who or what is involved, then direct object pronouns can be used in place of the noun. Their house is ...