This posting would not be complete unless I mention our duty to also attend conferences not related to interpretation, translation, or language in general. We all need direct clients to thrive as interpreters, and we will not find them at the conferences above. Networking is as important as pr... has the largest online database of language professionals in the world. To find a translator please choose a language pair or try theadvanced translator and interpreter search. You may also request quotes for a specific translation project byposting a translation joborrequest a localization... has the largest online database of language professionals in the world. To find a translator please choose a language pair or try theadvanced translator and interpreter search. You may also request quotes for a specific translation project byposting a translation joborrequest a localization...
lauriceSeptember 8th, 2020 at 06:15 read your excellent blog. great job. I have enjoyed reading your post first time. Thank you… Anthony Dietrich Reply lauriceSeptember 22nd, 2020 at 02:23 Thank you so much for ding the impressive job here, everyone will surely like your post. Anthony ...
“perfection” is impossible. In relation to any social media, it comes back to the original purpose of posting things for the world to witness. In my case, I started this blog in order to write every day. The goal for me, is to make a commitment, follow through, improve, learn, ...
I’m 23, a 1 year college grad with a job I should love but don’t, and like you I just can’t understand why everyone in the real world does things the retarded way. Thanks… that’s all. Tim, Thanks for re-posting this useful bit of advice (for...