Spanish Slang for MoneyMeaningCountry Plata Money Universal Billete Bill or money Latin America Feria Cash Mexico, Central America Dinero Money Universal Chavos Cash Mexico Luka Money Chile Panoja Stack of bills or money Mexico Parné Money Spain Guita Money Argentina, Chile Morlaco Money Colombia ...
Meaning: "hyacinth" Description: Jacinta, the Spanish word for hyacinth, is a lot softer and sweeter than the English version. The correct Spanish pronunciation is ha-SEEN-ta, though many English speakers would say ja-SIN-ta. Although the name is slightly different, Jacinta is largely associa...
Spanish 9 examples This verb can also have the following meanings: to confine to a bed, to lie down in bed, confine, lie, to have sex with somebody Display translations Yo Tu Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted Nosotr(os/as) Vosotr(os/as) ...
Spanish Meaning in Mexican Spanish Meaning in Puerto Rican Spanish Bolero Shoeshine boy Short vest or slow romantic music Chabacano Apricot Something in poor taste Chavo Young boy One penny Coche Car Stroller Cola Glue, butt, line Tail Cómoda Chest Comfortable Departamento Apartment Department (such...
Meaning: Green and like the gemstone Alternative Spellings & Variations: Jayde, Jada, Jadin, Jaden, Jayda, Jadie, Jadine Famous Namesakes: Designer Jade Jagger, Olympic athlete Jade Barbosa Peak Popularity: Jade hit the top 1,000 in 1975 and quickly rose to its highest rank of 86 in 2002...
va— conjugated form ofir ve— conjugated form ofver vi— conjugated form ofver xi— 14th letter of the Greek alphabet ya— adverb of vague meaning often used to add emphasis ye— the lettery yo— I (first-person singularsubject pronoun)...
your focus in learning should be based on meaning, not word-for-word translation. The verb in the phrase "to take a walk" doesn't have the same meaning at all as the verb in the phrase "to take pity on," even though they're represented by the same word in English. So it shouldn...
Meaning pillow in English, almohada originates from the Andalusian Arabic word “mijadda”, which became “al-mujadda” in Andalusian Arabic (the Arabic of the Iberian Peninsula) and means “cushion” or “pillow”. The Arabic root of this word is “jadd”, which can mean lado (side) ...
Estar means ‘to be’ and is one of the most commonly used verbs for daily communication. However, it’s often confused with the word Ser, which also has the same meaning. Similar to the confusion that happens with ‘affect’ and ‘effect’, estar is used to describe transient traits, ...
Kazakhstan Kazajistán kazajo/-ja Kenya Kenia keniata Kiribati Kiribati kiribatiano/-na Kosovo (Republic of) Kosovo, (República de) kosovar Kuwait Kuwait kuwaití Kyrgyzstan Kirguistán kirguís Lao People’s Democratic Republic Laos laosiano/-na Latvia Letonia letón/-na Lebanon Líbano libanés...